Michael Moore: R-Rating Not Being Enforced
Michael Moore Breaking News!Some theaters are not enforcing the Fahrenheit 9/11 R-rating. Makes you wonder why the national media is not reporting this. See picture.

Oakland, CA
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"Everybody in this country should see this film
... a powerful piece of filmmaking by Michael Moore."
-- Richard Roeper, EBERT & ROEPER
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Michael Moore Breaking News!Some theaters are not enforcing the Fahrenheit 9/11 R-rating. Makes you wonder why the national media is not reporting this. See picture.
Audiences roar for Moore as US right declares war - [Sunday Herald]: "THE American right has declared "war on Michael Moore" as his incendiary documentary Fahrenheit 9/11 opened to record-breaking audiences and standing ovations across the US.
Moore film heats up emotions: "DES PERES, Mo. -- Before the movie started, Leslie Hanser prayed.
Box Office Mojo > Daily Box Office > 06-25-2004: According to Box Office Mojo, FAHRENHEIT 9/11 was the number one money maker Friday generating an estimated $8,200,000 on 868 screens. White Chicks was second: $6,760,000/ 2,726 screens
The New York Times > Washington > Campaign 2004 > At the Movies: Democrats Find Relief Among Allies at 'Fahrenheit 9/11': "ARMEL, Ind., June 26 - Doug and Julie Arnold were among the early arrivals on Friday at the Regal Cinemas here, where Michael Moore's Bush-bashing film, 'Fahrenheit 9/11,' opened before noon on the first day of its exposure to a national audience.
shannonkringen: thank you michael moore ! ! !: "the movie was better than i thought it would be. moore didn't dominate the scenes- he let the people speak for themselves. a couple times when they showed clips from the violence in the iraq war and the nyc attacks i had the same intense need to cry out loud and it took all my effort to not burst into tears...i let the tears run down my cheeks quietly as to not bother others sitting next to me. a few times i wanted to shout at the screen 'the bush administration is the new hitler!'- i see it that way cuz they manipulate the masses with their messages and seem to think they know what is best and will do it their way no matter what and blame the 'terrorists' for the worlds problems and not address their own responsibility in creating terror...the creepiness of the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer. INSANE GREED that is not awknowledged by the powers that be. i see them as a mafia on a global level. the freedom they like is to do this corporate greed bullshit and ignore social servies and the uderdogs in the world that need support. "
WOKR-TV 13 ROCHESTER || NEWS: "(Rochester, NY) 06/26/04 -- Thousands of Rochestarians turned out Friday for the premiere of Michael Moore's highly controversial film 'Fahrenheit 9/11.'
Yahoo! Movies: Fahrenheit 9/11 (2004)- Movie Info: "I urge everybody to see this film. Although the movie is more of an Op-ed piece than a full dodumantary, I found it quit entertaining. There's no denying some facts in the movie and really makes me wonder what kind of president we have sitting in the oval office. I will not cast a vote for a non-republican but it makes me reconsider voting for a president who's best quality is personality but little more."
indieWIRE Insider: Friday Estimate, "Fahrenheit 9/11": "Michael Moore's 'Fahrenheit 9/11' expanded to 868 theaters yesterday, taking in an estimated $8.2 million on Friday, box office analyst Brandon Gray reported today. In an early estimate on Friday, Variety put the number at $6 - $8 million. "
DNC: Kicking Ass - Open Thread 6/25: "I just got back from Farenheit 9/11 and I must say: OUTSTANDING INCREDIBLE FILM!
AxisofLogic/ United States: "For the majority of people who will see this movie, in those towns large and small, the experience will be nothing short of a mind-bomb.
morons.org - Fahrenheit 9/11 First Impressions: "Lastly, be not deceived by everything I've said about emotional impact, gore, facts and figures; Fahrenheit 9/11 also has plenty of hilarious moments, spaced throughout the film, balancing it nicely. You won't find yourself in stitches for too long, and you won't find yourself completely bummed out for ages either.
Michael Moore.com : Mike's Message : Mike's Latest News: "Montgomery: We were thrilled when Rave Motion Pictures in Montgomery advertised that they would be showing it 6 times a day. My friends and I rushed to the theater to find crowds, camera crews and some disgruntled onlookers. The theater was packed, and the filmed received an uninterrupted 5-minute standing ovation at its conclusion. What a phenomenal piece of work--Michael Moore is a genius who might finally save this country from itself.'--E.G.
Entertainment News Article | Reuters.com: "Michael Moore's gain will be Walt Disney Co.'s lost opportunity when anti-Bush film 'Fahrenheit 9/11' opens this weekend, distributed by rivals after Disney shunned the controversial movie.
Michael Moore.com : Mike's Message : Mike's Latest News: "Fahrenheit 911 fans are sending photos to Michael Moore Dot Com of long lines, sold out shows and the outside of theaters. Selected images are now posted on the web site. Click on the title to see more.
The Daily Camera: News: "One of the most controversial scenes in the new Michael Moore documentary, 'Fahrenheit 9/11,' was shot by embedded journalist and University of Colorado doctoral candidate Urban Hamid.
The Daily Camera: Boulder County: "'It's obviously a negative movie as far as the Bush administration is concerned,' says Bill Eckert, vice chairman of the county GOP, which isn't doing anything to protest the film. 'That's fine. Let people go see it and draw their own conclusions.'
Fahrenheit 9/11 | I've Seen the Movie Now What Do I Do?: "The Michael Moore Team has compiled a comprehensive directory of media contacts. You can write letters, call, fax, or email to let them know that you're intelligent enough to see through their thinly veiled propaganda. Whenever they attempt to pull the wool over your eyes, you need to be right there, writing and calling them until they learn that biased journalism is unacceptable. If they aren? reporting the whole story or if they are simple ignoring the realities of a situation altogether, then they need to hear from you. A concerted effort to call their fluff for what it is may well result in fairer, more objective coverage.
IMDb user comments for Fahrenheit 9/11 (2004): "To be fair, I should qualify this review by saying that I'm a liberal, a political science professor, anti-war, and a Bush opponent. So I was hardly watching this film with an objective eye.
Yahoo! Buzz Index - Today's Top 20 Movies Searches:
7Online.com: 'Fahrenheit 9/11': Brilliant Marketing, Confusing Priorities: "Fahrenheit 9/11' is here, and it's a masterpiece. Not the movie -- the marketing campaign.
Rotten Tomatoes Forums - Saw It Last Night...Review.: "The crowd was rabid anti-Bush and they came in expecting to have a good time at his expense. But what they got was much more sober than previous Moore efforts. It starts off with a bang, reviewing rather simplistically, but effectively, the Florida recount and Bush's first 8 months in office. Although Moore runs fast with the facts even here, he does manage to get a few laughs at W's expense and the crowd liked it alot. And here lies problem #1....Moore misread his audience. The crowd seems to want Bush painted as a funny figure but after this scene Moore rarely pulls the trigger on the humor. Sarcasm and laughter are one of the best ways to make your opponent seem like an idiot, but he fails to use it as often as someone in his position could have. I could see the audience wanted to laugh at Bush's expense but Moore rarely gives them the opportunity. What this moment needed was a Parker/Stone cartoon similar to the KKK one from Columbine, but we get none of that.
Rotten Tomatoes Forums - Just saw the movie: "Moore lets Bush hang himslef as much as possible. Obviously the quotes are taken out of context, but I can't for the life of me think of contexts in which many of his quotes would be appropriate. I think Bush is a jackass, but not much more of a jackass than I went in thinking.
Upsize This! :: View topic - F911 ROCKS THE HOUSE!!! Possible SPOILERS!: "Omigod! It was so much fun to see! It was totally worth the wait!!! Everyone must go see it!!!
E! Online News - "Fahrenheit" Fires Up: "Not sure if you've heard, but there's a little film opening wide today, something called Fahrenheit 9/11.
Fahrenheit 9/11 - Coming Soon! Movie Reviews: "When Michael Moore gave his infamous acceptance speech at the 2003 Oscars railing against the burgeoning war in Iraq and the 'fictitious president' starting a war for 'fictitious reasons', little did we know that he had just kicked off the promotional campaign for his latest documentary, Fahrenheit 9/11.
Capital News 9 | 24 Hour Local News | HEADLINES | Movie debuts amid controversy: "Viewer Chris Riordan said, 'I agree with a lot of Michael Moore's views. I'm very anti-Bush, anti-war. But I think that Michael Moore is a little too into himself and really manipulative in the way he edited the film.'
Gazette.com PM edition: "Bush is characterized as a man who owes a lot to his friends, including those who helped bail him out of business ventures. Moore places particular emphasis on what he sees as a long-term friendship between the Bush family (including both presidents) and powerful Saudi Arabians. More than $1.4 billion in Saudi money has flowed into the coffers of Bush family enterprises, he says.
MSNBC - Getting the Choir to Sing: "Reporters wanted to know why he made the film. "Aren't you preaching to the choir?" one asked, noting the decidedly Democratic leanings of the crowd. (One of the film�s distributors joked at the screening that the only Republicans in the audience would be undercover agents from the Republican National Committee.) Moore recalled the question as he took the stage to welcome the audience. "First of all, it's good to give the choir something to sing," he said.
MTV.com - Movies - News - Articles - 1488698 - 06252004: "'I have encouraged teenagers to go see this movie,' Moore told MTV News. 'Sneak into this movie. Get in by any means necessary. If you see me near a theatre, I'll help sneak you in. Just get into this movie, because it should not be R-rated. And if your parents object, tell them I said it was OK. I'll write you a note or something.'
CNN.com - 'Fahrenheit 9/11' sparks controversy and wins attention - Jun 25, 2004: "One side calls the documentary factual.
Campaign 101: "Campaign 101 is a Democratic youth activist project to provide high school and college students the progressive grassroots skills to get involved and make a difference in local politics.
Michael Moore.com : Mike's Message : Mike's Latest News: "Over the past few days we have been collecting peoples' stories from around the country with the approach of Fahrenheit 9/11's opening day. The activities and ideas have ranged from street theater to buying up groups of tickets and giving them, for free, to people who are voting age but do not vote. We thought we'd share just a few of the festivities happening around the country, based on the emails you have sent us.
Fahrenheit 9/11: Thumbs Down (washingtonpost.com): "David Bossie, president of Citizens United, a conservative advocacy group, thinks so and has filed a formal complaint with the Federal Election Commission and other federal government agencies against the film. The group alleges that paid broadcast advertisements for the film are subject to the restrictions and regulatory requirements of federal campaign law.
MTV.com - Movies - News - Articles - 1488693 - 06252004: "There are 535 congressmen and senators, and only one has an enlisted son or daughter who served in the military in Iraq.
IMDb user comments for Fahrenheit 9/11 (2004): "I posted yesterday, prior to seeing Fahrenheit 911, that I had many issues with everyone's bickering about Mr. Moore's film. Enough is enough... if you bash this film you are being anti-American. Are we not living in a democracy where we believe in the right to freedom of speech? Do we not believe in challenging our government (which plenty of people did when Clinton was in office)?
Hey, Michael, Where Were Your Friends? -- Ralph's Writings - Nader for President 2004 - www.votenader.org: "Once upon a time, there was Michael Moore the First. He never forgot his friends. Come time for the Washington, DC premiere of Bowling for Columbine a while back, he invited his old buddies in Washington gave them good seats and spent the rest of the evening with them. During his other movie's premiere, he affectionately recognized how much those old friends helped him and supported him after he was mistreated and let go by Mother Jones. He was generous with his words and time.
CNN.com - Moore defends 'Fahrenheit' - Jun 25, 2004: "CNN) -- The Bush administration 'made a half-hearted effort' in pursuing Osama bin Laden immediately after the September 11 attacks, and devoted resources to invading Iraq instead, Michael Moore said in an interview, defending points he's made in his new film, 'Fahrenheit 9/11.'
and Mobilization Among MoveOn PAC Members
Chicago Reader Movie Review: "Ironically, the politician who plays the heavy in the Senate footage is none other than Al Gore, eliciting applause and laughter from the Senators as he shuts down one representative after another. Yet Gore's hour-long speech for MoveOn last May 26 is the one expression of anti-Bush rage that I find more persuasive and eloquent than Fahrenheit 9/11. (Even so, it was dismissed as hysterical and misleadingly sampled the same way on every TV news show I saw.) Moore's equal-opportunity ridicule is worth stressing because his film, whatever its effect on the election, is too smart to reduce its stance to Democrat versus Republican or liberal versus conservative. (He can even mock his own paranoia, as he does on his Web site, noting that right wingers 'want to limit or snuff out any debate or dissension. They also don't like pets and are mean to small children. Too many of them are named 'Fred.'') At a time when our national debate often degenerates into factionalized spats based on party and ideological allegiances, Moore's respect for simple humanity and common sense is admirable. The film's most powerful spokesperson turns out to be a midwestern mother whose son, Sergeant Michael F. Pederson, was killed in Iraq on April 2. A conservative white Democrat with a black husband, she prides herself on the American flag she flies in front of her house. She may be a stand-in for Moore -- another portly populist icon -- but the film manages to present her as more "
Marin Independent Journal: "'WE'VE GOT A man of the people saying 'Keep hope alive.' We've got fuel to burn; we've got roads to drive,' roars Neil Young over the closing credits to 'Fahrenheit 9/11,' Michael Moore's cinematic attack on 'the fictitious president' and the 'fictitious war' he made famous in his Oscar acceptance speech of two years ago.
San Francisco Examiner: Hot topic: "A documentary by Michael Moore. Rated R for violent and disturbing images and for language. Now playing in Bay Area theaters.
Please listen to David's music while you read the interview and F911 articles.
michaelmoore: First to post?: "Just got back from the 12:01 showing of 'Fahrenheit 911' (I feel like such a MM groupie). It was good, although I found the beginning a little dry because I was familiar with a lot of the things he talked about, but later on it seemed to pick up and I really liked the end. Don't worry, I won't post 'spoilers,' you will have to go and enjoy the film yourselves!"
antiwar: Go see Farenheit! It rocks!: "I just got back from the midnight showing of Farenheit. I am in Schaumburg, a suburb of Chicago.
SignOnSanDiego.com > News > Features -- Fever pitch: "What seems different about 'Fahrenheit 9/11' - a biting, satirical jab at President Bush and his handling of the war on terror - is that both Moore's team and his opponents' camp are brimming with actual political figures.
Calgary Sun :: Movie Guide: "It makes for riveting viewing, whether or not you buy into Moore�s politics, because it is such an unrelenting assault on the intellect as well as the senses.
RADIO FREE EUROPE/ RADIO LIBERTY: "Prague, 25 June 2004 (RFE/RL) -- Depending on whom you ask, Michael Moore's film is either an honest portrayal of the facts behind the Bush administration's foreign policy or a smear campaign to hasten Bush's departure from the White House.
Moore: No hailing to this chief: "When Michael Moore met George W. Bush a few years ago, the right-leaning politician from Texas dismissed the left-leaning filmmaker from Flint with a bit of advice: 'Behave yourself ... go find real work.'
Muslim American Society: "Filmmaker Michael Moore and several black lawmakers celebrated the release of his scathing documentary 'Fahrenheit 9/11,' the film lambasting President George W. Bush opens today in theatres across the United States.
Lateline - 25/06/2004: Mike Moores hot new film: "MAXINE McKEW: As we go to air tonight, Mike Moore's new documentary, 'Fahrenheit 9/11', is about to open on over 850 screens across America.
CBS News | Moore Takes Aim At Bush, Networks: "The movie condemns President Bush for the war in Iraq, and it was made, Moore says in a heated interview with The Early Show co-anchor Hannah Storm, to express his concern about the direction this country has been led to in the past few years.
'Fahrenheit 9/11' Ads Could Defy Election Law, Group Charges: "Citizens United, which calls 'Fahrenheit 9/11' and its television ads 'pure political propaganda,' argues that unless the film's ads are altered or pulled by July 31, Moore and the film's distributors will violate the section of election law that bans the use of corporate money to broadcast attack ads about a presidential candidate within 30 days of his party's national convention.
OrlandoSentinel.com: Entertainment: "The battle lines are drawn. A nation's future is in play.
Hot at the top: Documentary filmmaker Michael Moore turns political heat on high: "If not already, Michael Moore is certain to become a household name in the coming weeks.
Buffalo News - Moore, Moore, Moore: "Nobody ever said Michael Moore played fair. Even his political allies know that he doesn't have a balanced bone in his Pillsbury doughboy body.
'Fahrenheit 9/11' Turns Up the Heat (washingtonpost.com): "FAHRENHEIT 9/11,' is a guided missile aimed directly at the presidency of George W. Bush, just four months ahead of the national election.
Buzz Around Moore's Movie May Be Able to Shake the Election (washingtonpost.com): "The booze was flowing and the room was buzzing at the swanky new Leftbank restaurant in Washington's Adams Morgan neighborhood Wednesday night. The cause for celebration was the D.C. premier of 'Fahrenheit 9/11,' and director Michael Moore's pals picked up the tab.
POLITICAL WATCH / Should White House dial 9-1-1?: "News flash: Michael Moore's new movie, 'Fahrenheit 9/11,' opens nationwide today. Early reviews suggest it is a devastating indictment of President Bush's response to the hints of a terrorist threat before Sept. 11, 2001 -- and his decision to wage war in Iraq. It also highlights Bush's coziness with oil-rich Saudi Arabia, producing some indirect ties to terrorist kingpin Osama bin Laden. The mystique surrounding the film -- and its political implications -- have been intensified by Disney chief Michael Eisner's refusal to distribute the film. Disney eventually sold the film. "
The Seattle Times: Arts & Entertainment: "Fahrenheit 9/11" takes a torch to the Bush administration: "OK, just for a moment, can we all forget about the controversy and hatred and invective and accusations swirling around Michael Moore's fiery political documentary about the Bush administration's war on terror, 'Fahrenheit 9/11'? And instead of focusing on Bush and Moore, and our complicated feelings toward both of them, just for a second, let's pay attention instead to someone you've likely never heard of: Lila Lipscomb, a gentle-voiced citizen of Flint, Mich., who proudly unfurls an American flag outside her modest home every day, and whose grief gives Moore's film its soul.
Moore film ads violate election law, says group: "WASHINGTON -- A conservative group asked federal election officials on Thursday to investigate whether television ads for director Michael Moore's anti-Bush documentary ''Fahrenheit 9/11'' violate campaign finance law regulating when commercials may feature a presidential candidate.
The Salt Lake Tribune -- Soldiers' stories set 'Fahrenheit 9/11' apart: "When 'Fahrenheit 9/11' plays things straight, the effects are shattering. Consider the interviews with U.S. soldiers in Iraq -- some gung ho, others disillusioned. Consider the Marine recruiters working the poor section of Flint, Mich., with the zeal of the salesmen in 'Glengarry Glen Ross.' Consider the soldiers raiding an Iraqi's house on Christmas Eve, a moment that encapsulates the frightening confusion of occupation.
reviewjournal.com -- Neon: MOVIE REVIEW: `Fahrenheit 9/11': "Less Moore equals more power.
thedesertsun.com | Fahrenheit 9/11 turns up heat: "Newspaper headlines call it 'Firestarter,' 'WMD against Bush' and 'Moore lies.'
BBC NEWS | Entertainment | Bush film opens amid controversy: "Michael Moore's documentary Fahrenheit 9/11 is due to open across the US amid growing political controversy.
CBS News | Cheers And Jeers For 'Fahrenheit' | June 25, 2004-05:24:50: "Three cities which have experienced events Americans never imagined could happen here were the chosen locations for preview screenings of Michael Moore's 'Fahrenheit 9/11,' which opens nationally Friday.
Howard Stern.com: "Robin took most of the staff to see '"Fahrenheit 9/11' yesterday. Everyone talked about how much they liked the movie except E! Director Scott DePace who said the movie was bullsh*t, leftist propaganda. DePace ended up arguing over various points of the movie with just about everyone in the studio. Scott didn't like how Michael Moore left out some facts, like when he showed some of the smaller countries in our 'Coalition of the Willing' but not big countries like Italy and Spain (FYI: Italy, while in the coalition, didn't send troops to the invasion of Iraq). He also didn't think the Bush familiy's close ties to the Bin Laden and Saudi Royal family was a big deal and he really hated how the movie played on our heart strings by showing victims of the war and soldiers who lost limbs in the fight. Scott also criticized Moore for claiming that President Bush authorized the flights on 9/11 that allowed Bin Laden's family to leave the US. According to Scott, it was Richard Clarke who authorized it. (FYI: click here to read the transcript to Clarke's testimony and you'll see it's pretty clear that the request did not come from Clarke but from someone above him and was approved by the FBI.) Michael Moore is coming on this morning (8:30am), so maybe we'll get to see how Scott holds up in an argument with him. "
Presidential Pursuits (washingtonpost.com): "Not since 'The Passion of the Christ' has a movie from outside the Hollywood mainstream made a review so superfluous. By orchestrating a hype campaign every bit as finely tuned as Mel Gibson's, filmmaker Michael Moore has made 'Fahrenheit 9/11' required viewing, not just for the thousands of like-minded activists who have vowed to make the documentary a box office hit this weekend, but for anyone who wants to be culturally literate.
USATODAY.com - New this weekend: "It's everything you've heard; it's also some things you haven't heard. And that makes Fahrenheit 9/11 worth watching. The documentary's scathing attack on the war in Iraq and George W. Bush's presidency is informative, provocative, frightening, compelling, funny, manipulative and, most of all, entertaining. Much of what filmmaker Michael Moore focuses on has been covered in news reports, magazine articles and books. But he still manages to present new data and little-seen footage, connecting the dots in a cogent way."
The New York Times > Movies > Group Says Ads for 9/11 Film Violate Law: "
USATODAY.com - 'Fahrenheit 9/11': Will it change any voter's mind?: "Fahrenheit 9/11 is about much more than beating Bush, Moore says. 'The issues in this film are going to be with us next year,' he says. 'We're still going to have war in Iraq. We're still going to have al-Qaeda, no matter who is in the White House. If I can contribute to re-energizing those who have given up, then I'd feel that we will have done a good thing.'
Movie review: Moore strikes a political nerve: "As film narrative, 'Fahrenheit 9/11' is sometimes bumpy, without an always-consistent storytelling style.
Review: Fahrenheit 9/11: "Though it might seem impossible to do, to best appreciate Michael Moore's new film, 'Fahrenheit 9/11' (IMDb listing) one must look at it through eyes untainted by politics for a brief moment. The film is 100 percent politically motivated, but it's also something American cinemas haven't seen in decades: a revolutionary film, and a flat-out call to arms. Regardless of personal political leanings, 'Fahrenheit 9/11' is an amazing accomplishment of individual expression and anti-government aggression. It will be one of the most detested films of the year, but also one of the best, no doubt about it. "
Entertainment News Article | Reuters.com: "LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - After blistering the box office in its inaugural New York launch, Michael Moore's anti-Bush documentary 'Fahrenheit 9/11' opens nationally on Friday with most reviewers giving it high marks as brilliantly provocative but unflinchingly partisan.
BBC NEWS | Americas | Moore film divides America: "Claudia Puig of national newspaper USAToday said 'Fahrenheit 9/11 is the year's must-see film.' The documentary's scathing attack on the war in Iraq and George W Bush's presidency is informative, provocative, frightening, compelling, funny, manipulative and, most of all, entertaining," she said.
'Fahrenheit' heats up the debate: "While 'Fahrenheit 9/11' alternates between enraging, enlightening and frightening, it also meanders. It's as if Moore knows he's got some good stuff, and can't bear to throw out anything, even if it causes the film to lose its focus. An interview with a grieving mother who has lost her son in the war is both intrusive and powerful.
'Fahrenheit 9/11' is a smoldering polemic that puts Bush on the rotisserie: "This is why Michael Moore's savage new documentary, 'Fahrenheit 9/11,' is being regarded in so many quarters as an authentic film event. It's poised to become the first of these new-wave, anti-establishment films to jump out of the pack and shake up the American public in a big way.
Guardian Unlimited | US elections 2004 | Fahrenheit 9/11 sets US alight: "For the second time in a week, the liberals of New York stood in line for their cultural sustenance.