CD Baby - CD Baby artist David Rovics is the featured snger/songwriter on Fahrenheit 911 news/info blog: "F911: How many "911" songs have you written?
David: I've written quite a few. In one way or another, all of my songs written since 9/11 are influenced by 9/11.
On 9/11 I wrote 'International Terrorists,' about the U.S. military, mostly.
Later in the month I wrote 'The Dying Firefighter,' which i think is my best effort on the subject to date.
Those both appear on the CD, 'Living in These Times,' as well as on my website for free download, along with all of my recordings, which can be found under 'audio and video on-line' on
On my 2002 release, 'hang a flag in the window,' there are many 9/11-related songs. (I'm looking at the liner notes on my website to remind me of which ones.) It kind of depends on how you define something that's about 9/11. Assuming it relates not only to the actual event in New York City, but also to the so-called 'war on terror' and the various invasions of sovereign countries that have happened in the past few years, most of my stuff is related.
Here’s a brief summary of "911" songs
F911: What do you think of the anti-Michael Moore groups that were created to censor the film?
David: The anti-Michael Moore groups are just a bunch of rich people who are afraid of getting burned by the reality Michael Moore is bringing to our attention so gracefully. I think they're scared, and they have reason to be. They’re scared of the truth. They only survive through their control of the press, ultimately. But we must continue to try to get the truth out there, and that partly means, of course, supporting Michael Moore and his important efforts.
F911: How does “Reichstag Fire” relate to Fahrenheit 911?
David: Of course, hopefully people can listen to the song on my website and find out what it's about that way, that's definitely best. But assuming you (reader) has heard it... the verses are describing the various inconsistencies and strange coincidences around 9/11 reporting and Bush's reactions to it, etc. Most of the information was gotten through mass media sources I found on various websites related to the 9/11 skeptics movement. (Some of whom are totally wacked, others are spot on.)
I think I wrote it in January, 2003. I was just thinking about the burning of the German Reichstag that Hitler used as an excuse to start rounding up communists, Jews, etc., and about our own Lusitanian, Alamo, Gulf of Tonkin, etc., that we used as excuses to start all of our own wars of aggression, wars of empire.
F911: Are your songs available for digital download?
David: I make them all available for free download in the audio and video section of -- or just go directly to spread the word!
F911: How can people donate to you online?
David: There’s a link for doing that in the audio and video section of my website or in the "message" section on Soundclick. Or on Paypal they can just donate using my email address, drovics@ (I know I should get a new ISP). People should feel free to contact me via that email, too.
June 30: just saw the film last night. it was really great. i was once again so impressed by moore's ability to make politically incisive, powerful, necessary information available to the public in a way that i think most of the public can easily understand. - David
Please listen to David's music while you read the interview and F911 articles.
Reichstag Fire -
The Dying Firefighter -
Click title for full interview.