Wednesday, June 30, 2004

Portsmouth Herald Editorial: Public mood, not a film, will determine election

Portsmouth Herald Editorial: Public mood, not a film, will determine election: "Documentary films are the last bastion of advocacy journalism. Newspapers and news magazines are expected to offer unbiased views of what they report, although even in the choice of what they report they reflect a point of view.
Documentary films - from 'Reefer Madness,' the anti-marijuana film of the 1950s, to Moore�s 'Bowling for Columbine' and, now, 'Fahrenheit 911' - are intended to promote a point of view, and combine graphic images with language and music that enhances that vision.
'Fahrenheit 911' certainly fulfills its mission and that mission is decidedly anti-Bush and anti-war. As is Moore�s style, it mixes the grotesque with the humorous, horrors with beauty, with Moore continually narrating the action. "


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