Friday, July 02, 2004

Michael : Letters to Newspapers Around the Country

Michael "Over the past few days, newspapers around the country have received and published numerous letters about Fahrenheit 9/11. Some are in response to false and misleading articles a newspaper published, while others are simply sharing their thoughts on the film in the midst of a great national discussion. We would like to share some of these letters with you."

The Virginian Pilot 6/29
A movie all should see

I saw "Fahrenheit 9/11" at Lynnhaven's 1:10 p.m. showing on Friday, the opening day, with what appeared to be a sell-out crowd.

I am undecided about the presidential election so I did not see this movie to revel in Bush bashing.

To my amazement, living in a military and religious community, there was thunderous applause at the conclusion of the movie. One could say the theater was comprised solely of liberal Democrats, but that is very unlikely. There were folks of all ages and races.

This movie is powerful and provoked all sorts of emotions from me, from belly laughter to outrage and despair to uncontrollable tears.

With this being a critical time in America, I strongly urge everyone to see it and discuss it with Democrats and Republicans alike.

Kate Tippett-Bowles, Virginia Beach


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