While not as wittily biting as a Moore creation, I credit him for bringing me in to the use-film-to-oust-bush fold. So last night, I made this music video - with a salute to Moore and F911.
I shook the next President's hand. I think there was, perhaps, some sort of cosmic Kerry force that transferred from his warm hand to mine that absolutely required me to stay up until 5 am and create this music video. I'll do my part to persuade the undecided and this is a lot more pleasant than making calls or knocking on doors.
We were press, taking photos for the
Tacoma Daily Index, so we were front and center, not 15' from His Kerryness.
It sure feels warm in his glow. It was indeed a beautiful day in the Puget Sound - a few drops of rain, sun breaks, Commencement Bay on one side, the Tacoma Dome on the other and our next President in between with 20,000 supporters cheering. God, I love America. With Kerry in the lead, the rest of the world might like us again, too.
Watch the music video (4:00)
Streaming or download;
must have
Windows Media player
Hi (31 mb download; 1120 kpbs, T1/Cable; 640x480)
Med (16 mb download; 556 kpbs, Cable/DSL)
Low (3.7 mb download; 124 kpbs, Dial-up)
Frankly, not great quality, but small. To download, Right-click and "save target as" to your hard drive. Otherwise, just click the link and it will download in your temp folder
If you enjoyed this, please leave a comment. Otherwise I exist in a vacuum. I also would be so appreciative that you share this with everyone you know.
Forward this link -
http://www.livejournal.com/users/dana___/3596.html. The more word of mouth (or ear) about Kerry-Edwards, the better for the US and, by extension, the world. Share freely.
For fun, watch for the Craig Kilborn and Ed Harris look alikes standing behind Kerry while he's shaking hands, "Harris" is secret service and I can only presume "Craig" is a staffer. I'm still not convinced that's not really Craig. And I think "Harris" is so cool, apparent by all the photos I ended up taking of him.
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