Saturday, July 03, 2004

Counterbias: Michael Moore Versus Authority - The Media's Dual 'Propaganda' Thresholds

Counterbias: Michael Moore Versus Authority - The Media's Dual 'Propaganda' Thresholds: "There seems to be two different thresholds for use of the word "propaganda" when it comes to the work of Michael Moore compared to, well, anyone or anything else.
As one of the most connotatively negative words in social history, the word is a grim one. The term alone brings up images of Stalin brainwashing the masses through totalitarian thought-control, Hitleristic mass-murder, and the loss of free human thought in general. Propaganda, in its classical meaning, does not correlate with happy imagery.
Yet, strangely, the media has been quick to label Michael Moore's new film, Fahrenheit 9/11, as just that: propaganda. Whereas journalists and media figures are usually shy about using the term - especially towards where it applies most effectively, the government - they seem to have saved it for government enemies, in this case Michael Moore. "

Robert Furs


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