F911 Exclusive: David Rovics Singer/Songwriter Interview (Part 1)
Please listen to David's music while you read the interview and F911 articles.
Reichstag Fire - Hi/Lo/MP3
The Dying Firefighter - Hi/Lo/MP3
An exclusive F911 Interview with David Rovics, our featured soulful singer/songwriter.
F911: I see from your LiveJournal that you are currently in England. Where will you be when Michael Moore's film Fahrenheit 911 is released on June 25?
David: I’ll be playing at the Glastonbury festival from June 25-27 (one of the world's biggest music festivals). Maybe the film will be shown there....? could be -- stranger things have happened. But if not, I plan to see it during the first week of July, assuming it'll be playing somewhere in Houston, TX, where I’ll be most of that week (don't ask).
F911: What are your thoughts, ideas about Michael Moore? Have you seen his movies?
Read his books?
David: I think Michael Moore is absolutely brilliant. I really can't say enough good things about him. I don't agree with him about every one of his political perspectives, but I have no interest in dwelling on our few political differences, because the main thing is that he's brilliant, he tells the truth in a way that is accessible to people, he's a breath of fresh air. I think the progressive movement needs more culture, more humor and more of lots of things, and Michael contributes too much of that.
And yes, I've seen all his movies; probably most of his TV stuff, and read much of his writing, including at least one or two books. I think his most brilliant work to date, out of all of that, is "Roger and Me." (But I can't wait to see "Fahrenheit 9/11"!)
If you can't wait for Part 2, the complete interview was published yesterday at the Michael Moore LiveJournal Community
Call to Action: Phone/email your local radio station and ask them to play David's F911 featured songs.
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