Saturday, June 26, 2004

Michael : The View From America: Responses to Fahrenheit 9/11

Michael : Mike's Message : Mike's Latest News: "Montgomery: We were thrilled when Rave Motion Pictures in Montgomery advertised that they would be showing it 6 times a day. My friends and I rushed to the theater to find crowds, camera crews and some disgruntled onlookers. The theater was packed, and the filmed received an uninterrupted 5-minute standing ovation at its conclusion. What a phenomenal piece of work--Michael Moore is a genius who might finally save this country from itself.'--E.G.


"I’m a middle 40s woman and because the theater was FULL (afternoon matinee), I got a seat third row from the front. What was impressive were the people around me. Almost all of the first ten rows, except for one or two people like myself were about 22 or so and under! I was so glad to see the young people of Phoenix (right-wing city, USA) there, interested and concerned. Those of us in the front gave you a standing ovation! Thank you for providing an avenue to inspire younger people involved in their country and to let them know that we are all not about war!"--S.M.


"We just came back from the ARCLIGHT in Hollywood and the reception was fantastic! I even got my republican father a ticket to see the movie in Orange County. Needless to say after he saw the movie he now plans to vote against the Bush. He has voted Republican since Nixon."--R.S."


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