Fahrenheit 911 (and a half)
The Fahrenheit 9/11 Film Blog is a syndicated (RSS/XML/LiveJournal/MyYahoo) online news and informational resource community.
"Everybody in this country should see this film
... a powerful piece of filmmaking by Michael Moore."
-- Richard Roeper, EBERT & ROEPER
NOTE: We publish article excerpts only. Click title to get the complete story.
Background Song: Falluja (©David Rovics 2004 All Rights Reserved)
Saturday, November 13, 2004
NOW with Bill Moyers. Politics & Economy. Biography. Christian Parenti | PBS
NOW with Bill Moyers. Politics & Economy. Biography. Christian Parenti PBS: "Christian Parenti is a correspondent for THE NATION, and most recently the author of THE FREEDOM: SHADOWS AND HALLUCINATION IN OCCUPIED IRAQ. He just came back from Afghanistan where he spent a month chronicling what is really taking place on the ground. Parenti speaks with David Brancaccio about a very different view of Afghanistan than the portrait of flourishing democracy. "
More from Christian Parenti:
Archive of Parenti's articles for THE NATION
Parenti on DEMOCRACY NOW! from Afghanistan, 10/12/04
AlterNet archive of Parenti's stories

The Freedom provides a fearless and unsanitized look at how the war is unfolding. We enter Baghdad as most journalists do —in a convoy of GMC Suburbans racing 95 miles an hour in tight, side-by-side formation.
Once in the city, we encounter a relative of Saddam's who's scraping by; a former Fedayeen fighter who loves Limp Bizkit and Michael Bolton; the underage prostitutes who service U.S. soldiers and are hunted by religious vigilantes; the freshly minted MBAs who run the Coalition Provisional Authority's projects on privatization; the somnambulant American press corps and its fierce counterparts from al Jazeera and al Arabia.
Finally, we are embedded with U.S. troops, the unworldly, working-class kids left holding the bag, forced to die for a war many of them don't support.
Last year, the most superbly equipped fighting force on the planet was led into the only type of war for which its experts deemed it unprepared: a highly politicized urban counterinsurgency. As the casualties mount, American troops discover there is no plan B, only an ad hoc set of tactics cobbled together and called a strategy.
NOW with Bill Moyers. Society & Community. Biography. Sister Joan Chittister | PBS
NOW with Bill Moyers. Society & Community. Biography. Sister Joan Chittister | PBS: "Bill Moyers talks to Sister Joan Chittister, member of the Benedictine Sisters of Erie, PA, a social psychologist with a doctorate from Penn State University, regular columnist for NATIONAL CATHOLIC REPORTER, and the author of over 30 books. The conversation focuses on the media's moral responsibility to report accurately on the social, economic and political injustices plaguing our society. "
Joan Chittister has been one of America's key visionary spiritual voices for more than thirty years. Sister Joan, a social psychologist and communications theorist with a doctorate from Penn State University, is a best selling author and well-known international lecturer.
A regular columnist for the National Catholic Reporter, Sister Joan has received 11 honorary degrees and awards (including the Distinguished Alumni Award from Penn State in 2000) and recognition from countless organizations for her work for justice, peace and equality, especially for women — in the Church and in society.
Bush to send the Simpsons to jail!
Bush to send the Simpsons to jail!: "London, Nov 13 : One of America's favourite animated series, 'The Simpsons' is all set to take a dig at President George Bush as they will show him sending the entire Simpsons family to jail because Homer Simpson, the father of the family, bares his butt at the American flag.
The episode will show Homer mooning the flag after his shorts are pulled off during a game. The entire family is then sent off to America's notorious Alcatraz prison for being 'unpatriotic,' under the new 'Govt knows best act.'
In prison Homer's fellow jail mates will include anti Republican film director Michael Moore and the former US president, Bill Clinton. The family will finally escape while taking part in a reality TV show called 'Swimming for Freedom,' report the Mirror.
'It takes a few light-hearted swipes at the heightened state of alarm in America as well as Bush's re-election and fears of terror attacks,' the report quoted an insider as saying."
Friday, November 12, 2004
Hillsborough: Bill comes, house may go while he's deployed
Hillsborough: Bill comes, house may go while he's deployed: "TAMPA - Three and a half years ago, Bernie Haithcock paid nearly $100,000 for a 1,500-square-foot home in the Villages of Lake St. Charles, a Riverview community.
The Air Force reservist, an electrician at MacDill Air Force Base, fit right in. About half of the 216 families who live in the Villages come from a military background.
But soon after he settled in, the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks happened. Haithcock was moved to active duty and has been deployed ever since, with his primary assignment at Robins Air Force Base, south of Macon, Ga.
Now Haithcock, 42, faces the prospect of losing his house because he failed to pay his annual $200 homeowners association fee on time.
In June, six months after the fee was due, the Villages association put a lien against Haithcock's home. Association leaders say he now owes more than $1,400 - the $200 fee, a $105 late fee and more than $1,100 in attorney costs.
If he doesn't pay up soon, association vice president Kate Cockerill said Thursday, 'we will have to consider foreclosure.'"
MTV.com - Michael Moore Preparing 'Fahrenheit 9/11 And 1/2'
MTV.com - Movies - News - Michael Moore Preparing 'Fahrenheit 9/11 And 1/2': "Check out everything MTV has on 'Fahrenheit 9/11.'"
You didn't think Michael Moore was going to take President Bush's re-election lying down, did you?
The controversial filmmaker is planning to begin work on a sequel to "Fahrenheit 9/11," to be titled "Fahrenheit 9/11 and 1/2," he told the
industry trade publication Variety. The new project will revisit the same issues addressed in "Fahrenheit 9/11," which included scathing criticisms of Bush's presidency, as well as terrorism and the war in Iraq.
Moore said that he has been in talks with Harvey Weinstein, the executive producer of "Fahrenheit 9/11," about beginning work on "Fahrenheit 9/11 and 1/2."
— Alyssa Rashbaum
Rocky Mountain News: Secret Service pays visit to Boulder High
Rocky Mountain News: Local: "Bob Dylan's Masters of War is a hard-hitting, anti-war song produced more than 20 years before any current Boulder High School student was born.
More than 40 years after its release, the song has been resurrected at Boulder High with huge and confusing repercussions that prompted Secret Service agents to pay the campus a visit Thursday.
Some students and parents apparently let the Secret Service and talk-radio stations know they were unhappy with the plan of a trio of students to do a poetry reading of the song, accompanied by background music, according to Ron Cabrera, the school's principal.
Rumors were rampant that during an audition and rehearsal for today's talent show, the students changed Dylan's powerful last verse at the end of the song to say that they hoped that President Bush was going to die.
The last verse begins: "And I hope that you die; And your death'll come soon."
Secret Service agents interviewed Cabrera on Thursday to determine what all the uproar was about and whether any threats were being made against the president's life."
By Hector Gutierrez
Rocky Mountain News
Progressive News - Whither the Democrats? by Margaret Kimberly
Progressive News - Whither the Democrats? by Margaret Kimberly“We’re up against the most rich and powerful people in the world. All we have is our convictions really because we don’t have the money or the power or the weapons. But I think the anger of billions of people is the weapon that will eventually be used against them.” – Arundhati Roy at the 2004 Republican National Convention.
The day before the 2004 Republican National Convention began, Sunday, August 29, more than 400,000 courageous people marched through the streets of New York to tell the world that they oppose the Bush agenda. In the days that followed, more than 1,700 of those demonstrators were arrested when in many cases they had not broken any laws. Their jail was an old bus depot ringed with razor wire. They were forced to sleep on bare floors that were covered with motor oil. They were held for as long as two days without charges or access to attorneys. Most were eventually found guilty of disorderly conduct and received desk appearance tickets that are usually processed in just a few hours. As the convention drew to a close, a judge was forced to fine the city of New York $1,000 for each person who had not been released.
The prescience of these activists makes the force used against them all the more shameful. Their ability to articulate the horrors of the Bush administration varies, but they all know that America is in serious trouble. They were undeterred despite nervous Nellie liberals beseeching them to stay home and not cause trouble. We were told that protests in 2004 would be like those that took place in 1968. A simple glance at the calendar should have squelched such nonsense. Nearly 40 years have passed since that Democratic convention in Chicago. There is no Black Panther Party or Students for a Democratic Society. Anyone active in those groups will soon be eligible for Medicare, assuming that Bush doesn’t get rid of it first.
Those 400,000 people are the ones whose voices should be heeded and yet they are the most scorned. The August 29th march was the largest demonstration at any political convention in American history. Of course, the significance of the event was lost on what passes for leadership among the Democrats. Terry McAuliffe, Chair of the Democratic National Committee, went out of his way to disassociate the party from the people who despite their misgivings about John Kerry are the most committed to getting him elected. “We have nothing to do with the demonstrators,” McAuliffe proudly proclaimed.
Unlike McAuliffe, the Republicans defend anyone who swears to abide by their twisted loyalty oath. Christian fascists advocate killing Palestinians in an effort to hasten the return of Jesus. They are embraced by Republicans. Dennis Hastert, Speaker of the House of Representatives, accused Democratic financier George Soros of being in the pay of drug dealers. No one in the Republican party condemned Hastert’s statements. Ministers who compare gay people to Nazis are not only embraced by Republicans but are allowed to give invocations at party conventions. While the Republicans will utter any lie or advocate monstrous public policy, the sad remnants of the Democratic party flee from people who carry signs saying, “Give peace a chance.”
Margaret Kimberley’s Freedom Rider column appears weekly in . Ms. Kimberley is a freelance writer living in New York City. She can be reached via e-Mail at margaret.kimberley@blackcommentator.com. You can read more of Ms. Kimberley's writings at http://freedomrider.blogspot.com/
Thursday, November 11, 2004
Seattle Post-Intelligencer: Principal apologizes for speakers at Veterans Day assembly
Seattle Post-IntelligenceBELLINGHAM, Wash. -- Two members of Veterans for Peace got a standing ovation when they addressed a high-school Veterans Day assembly, but their appearance prompted a letter of apology from the principal.
Sehome High School officials received some complaints that the Wednesday event was too one-sided, principal Jim Kistner said. He told The Bellingham Herald that staff members had said that graphic descriptions of war had upset a number of students.
"I want to apologize for making any student or staff member uncomfortable because the presentation at Sehome's Veterans Day Assembly today was used to advance a particular political agenda," Kistner wrote in the letter distributed to students.
"Our community speakers had agreed that this assembly would honor our veterans. We deeply regret that they did not."
"I completely disagree with that last statement," Marshall Petryni, 17, a student organizer of the assembly, said in a Thursday telephone interview with The Associated Press.
"A bunch of kids came up to me after - some were crying, some gave me hugs," Petryni said.
One of the speakers, Mark Polin, who served in the Navy from 1979 to 1997, told the gathering of nearly 1,000 students that Veterans Day was originally Armistice Day - commemorating an end to war.
Kistner's letter said the school would make counselors available for students or staff who needed them. A second Veterans Day assembly is planned, he said.
He said he was not told the speakers belonged to a peace organization, and that he would review the process for arranging assemblies.
"No blame, nobody is in trouble," Kistner told The Herald.
Daily Times: The New Voice of Pakistan: US claims killing 600 insurgents in Fallujah
Daily Times - Site Edition: " 17 killed in Baghdad car bomb blast
* 2 Cobras shot down
* Fighters set police stations ablaze, kill 5 Iraqi soldiers in Mosul and 6 in Tikrit
FALLUJAH: An estimated 600 rebels have been killed in the fighting in Fallujah so far, but the figure has not been confirmed, spokesman Lt Col Steve Boylan said in Baghdad on Thursday.
Meanwhile, US troops continued fighting the resistance in Fallujah on Thursday, but rebels hit back with an armed rampage in Mosul and a car bomb that killed 17 people in a crowded Baghdad street.
Marines met little opposition in the former insurgent stronghold of Jolan, in northwest Fallujah, where guerrillas fired only one or two mortar rounds as tanks pushed through alleys, according to a Reuters reporter at the scene. But a huge explosion sent a fireball into the sky after dark, the reporter said.
Marines had to call in four air strikes after taking heavy fire at their headquarters in central Fallujah, the BBC reported. Its correspondent with the Marines said a rifle company had come under continuous fire when it pushed out of the base into the city on a house-to-house search for insurgents."
F911 Blog and a half - Background Music: Falluga by David Rovics

Acoustic : Folk
Say whatever the f*** you want about Islamic fundamentalism or whatever your excuse is for not opening your eyes. May the world remember the heroic resistance to the occupation, Falluja, April 2004. For Osama and Reem. May they rest in peace.
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Your vote: hot flop Album:After We Torture Our Prisoners ©David Rovics 2004 All Rights Reserved MP3: 3.9MB
CNN.com - TV stations canceling 'Ryan' telecast - Nov 11, 2004
CNN.com - TV stations canceling 'Ryan' telecast - Nov 11, 2004: "NEW YORK (AP) -- More than 20 ABC affiliates around the country, including two in Ohio, have announced that they won't take part in the network's Veterans Day airing of 'Saving Private Ryan,' saying the acclaimed film's violence and language could draw sanctions from the Federal Communications Commission.
The decisions mark a twist in the conflict over the aggressive stand the FCC has taken against obscenity and profanity since Janet Jackson flashed the world during the last Super Bowl halftime show.
Steven Spielberg's Oscar-winning movie aired on ABC with relatively little controversy in 2001 and 2002, but station owners -- including several in large markets -- are unnerved that airing it Thursday could bring federal punishment. The film includes a violent depiction of the D-Day invasion and profanity.
"It would clearly have been our preference to run the movie. We think it's a patriotic, artistic tribute to our fighting forces," Ray Cole, president of Citadel Communications, told AP Radio. The company owns three ABC affiliates in the Midwest.
"We're just coming off an election where moral issues were cited as a reason by people voting one way or another and, in my opinion, the commissioners are fearful of the new Congress," Cole said."
Empire - Moore To Get His Teeth Into Bush. Again. Fahrenheit 9/11 (and a half) on the way
Empire: "Critics of Michael Moore – and they are legion, especially when it comes to Republicans – have a lot of ammo with which to attack the world’s most famous documentarian. His diet, for one. His dress sense, for another. That horrendous Canadian Bacon flick he made a while back. And his arrogance, say for example, in not putting up Fahrenheit 9/11 for next year’s Best Documentary Oscar, ostensibly to give the other poor schmoes a chance of winning.
But even his most vituperative opponents have to admire the man’s tenacity. When George W. Bush inexplicably won the US Election last week, invalidating Moore’s year-long campaign to get the real-life Tug Benson out of office, Moore didn’t do as Empire did and head down to Mothercare, buy the biggest pram he could find, fill it with toys and then spend a quite enjoyable afternoon flinging the playthings every which way. Oh no, he rolled up his sleeves, gritted his teeth and vowed to bring the Republicans down again. How? Why, with Fahrenheit 9/11½ , of course!
The cynics among you might ask ‘why bother? The first one did a fat lot of good!’ but there you might be wrong. As you should already know, unless you’ve been living in Cave 37 in Afghanistan lately (and if you have, say hello to Osama for us), the original Fahrenheit 9/11 – which dedicated itself to criticising Bush, the war on Iraq, Bush, the Republican party, Bush, the Bush family’s connections to undesirable terrorist types, Bush, and the events that led up to 9/11 – won the Palme D'Or at Cannes and became the highest-grossing documentary of all time when it opened earlier this year, and very nearly played a major part in unseating President Bush.
Or so Moore believes, anyway. Conveniently ignoring the fact that more Americans voted for Bush this time round than in 2000, and he won the popular vote by a margin not seen since Alex Parks won the last series of Fame Academy, Moore is going to serve up a second helping.
Westwood Anti-Occupation Demonstration Pictures - Part 2 of 2 : LA IMC
Westwood Anti-Occupation Demonstration Pictures - Part 2 of 2 : LA IMC: "Despite the one-day notice, about 400-500 people came to the Westwood Federal Building on Tuesday night to protest the start of the second U.S. attack on the people of Fallujah, which had been officially launched on the previous day. To my own recollection, this is a record number for a demonstration called on such short notice.
As usual for such short-notice demonstrations at this location, most of the group stood on the sidewalk along Wilshire Blvd. waving signs and shouting to oncoming commuters in cars and buses, who frequently expressed their support by shouting and blowing their horns, and (much, much less frequently) expressed opposition. Smaller groups were stationed on each of the other three corners of the Wilshire and Veteran intersection, and as the lights changed some of these groups would parade across the intersection, making themselves still more visible to traffic.

About 7:30pm, two tanks barreled past going East on Wilshire, rounded the corner onto Veteran going South, and disappeared.
About ten or fifteen minutes later, two tanks (apparently the same ones) appeared again going East on Wilshire and stopped for the light there. Demonstrators immediately stepped in front of the lead tank, blocking its path, and started to chant 'U.S. Out!' at the soldiers, whose heads and torsos were clearly visible and who evidently exchanged a few words with protestors.
The soldiers seemed amused and not really unfriendly. Unfortunately, a few of our protestors chanted 'murderers!' at the soldiers, although in general I think we were more sophisticated than that, realizing that many soldiers are victims themselves who were recruited through propaganda, guile, and economic incentives that the very poor can find it difficult to refuse.
QuickTime movie at 6.8 mebibytes
NOTE: Why were the tanks there? A Veterans Day Parade was planned for the following day at the VA Greater Los Angeles Healthcare System, West Los Angeles Facility.
MSNBC - Still Hummin' : Linda Ronstadt discusses her new album of American standards, getting fired in Las Vegas and a particular pair of hotpants
MSNBC - Still Hummin': "Nov. 9 - If there is one thing you can’t say about the Grammy-winning Linda Ronstadt, 58, it's that her career has been predictable. She’s been a folk singer, rock icon, country music star, Hispanic musician and chanteuse of big band music. Her first studio album in four years, “Hummin' to Myself,” out Nov. 9, features standards like "Cry Me a River" and Cole Porter's “Miss Otis Regrets." Though Ronstadt semi-retired a decade ago to raise her children in her hometown of Tucson, Ariz., she returned this summer to tour across America. Ronstadt, who has always had a political streak and for several years during the 1970s dated California governor Jerry Brown, was back in the headlines this year when she was kicked out of Las Vegas’s Aladdin hotel after making a controversial dedication of the Eagles' ballad "Desperado" to filmmaker Michael Moore. She talked to NEWSWEEK's Ginanne Brownell about her album, her politics and everything in between. Excerpts:
NEWSWEEK: Has it been fun being back in the studio again?
Linda Ronstadt: For me to go in the studio, it always has to be driven by a song or a piece of material. I was driving up the coast with my children and a friend of mine had loaned me a Chet Baker record to play so I would not have to be driven crazy by the radio. [Laughs.] It just brought back all of these songs that I had wanted to record.
By Ginanne Brownell
Wednesday, November 10, 2004
Michael Moore.com : Cat Stevens awarded peace prize in Rome
Michael Moore.com : Mike's Message : Mike's Latest News: "Former Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev honored the singer once known as Cat Stevens with a peace prize on Wednesday, praising him for charity work and for standing by his convictions despite personal hardships.
Yusuf Islam was awarded the 'Man for Peace' prize in Rome at the opening of a meeting of Nobel Peace Prize laureates. He last made headlines in September, when he turned up on Washington's no-fly list for having suspected ties to terrorists -- a claim he has strongly denied.
The 'Peace Train' singer, who largely gave up music after converting to Islam in the late 1970s, mused about the strangeness of being barred from one country while being honored in another.
"Perhaps it's part of the irony that sometimes you have to go through a test in order to achieve a prize," he told reporters. "So maybe that's a symbol. Today I'm receiving a prize for peace, which is actually, I would say, a bit more descriptive of my ideas and my aims in life."
By Angela Doland
ZNet |Iraq | Fallujah: The "Frontlines Of Empire"
ZNet |Iraq | Fallujah: The Frontlines Of Empire: "Beware the leader who bangs the drums of war in order to whip the citizenry into a patriotic fervor, for patriotism is indeed a double-edged sword. It both emboldens the blood, just as it narrows the mind...And when the drums of war have reached a fever pitch and the blood boils with hate and the mind has closed, the leader will have no need in seizing the rights of the citizenry. Rather, the citizenry, infused with fear and blinded with patriotism, will offer up all of their rights unto the leader, and gladly so. How do I know? For this is what I have done. And I am Caesar." -William Shakespeare
“You see, I’ve built up capital…and now I intend to spend it.” George Bush
The siege of Falluja has begun with the all-to-familiar drumbeat from the establishment press, only the language has been slightly modified to accommodate the new situation on the ground. The overall purpose remains the same. The press is expected to reinforce the rationale for conflict by invoking carefully crafted euphemisms minted by public relations teams working in synch with the Pentagon. Keep that in mind when sound-bytes like “terrorist safe house” or “insurgent stronghold” appear in the morning paper. They are the precursors of aggression. The American public is more apt to accept the “necessity” of using overwhelming force when it is concealed behind catchy buzzwords or war mongering jargon. This is how a murderous attack on a civilian population is sold as a “humanitarian intervention” or, even worse, as liberation.
Are there WMD’s in Falluja?
Is Saddam holed up in Falluja?
Do the people of Falluja represent a clear and present danger to the national security of the US or a tangible threat to its people?
by Mike Whitney
antiwar: BLACK smoke towered over besieged Falluj
antiwar: BLACK smoke towered over besieged Falluj: "BLACK smoke towered over besieged Fallujah yesterday after US and Iraqi forces took control of a hospital and two bridges before a major assault on the rebel stronghold. Warplanes pounded the city and gunfire echoed. An AC-130 plane unleashed cannons and machineguns from above. Explosions from the artillery fire boomed out almost every minute.

Photo Slide Show
With warplanes pounding the city, U.S. Marines fought their way into the western outskirts of Fallujah on Monday, seizing a hospital and two bridges over the Euphrates River in the first stage of a major assault on the insurgent stronghold. The skies above Fallujah burned red last night as artillery, war planes and tanks pounded the Iraqi rebel bastion with a barrage of firepower at the start of an operation to retake the city."
Moore, Gibson Films Ineligible for Hollywood Prize (washingtonpost.com)
Moore, Gibson Films Ineligible for Hollywood Prize (washingtonpost.com): "LOS ANGELES - They may have triggered controversy and packed theaters, but two of the year's hottest films -- 'The Passion of the Christ' and 'Fahrenheit 9/11' -- have been ruled ineligible for one of Hollywood's top prizes.
The Hollywood Foreign Press Association, which on Jan. 16 hands out the Golden Globes, an important precursor to the Oscars, said on Tuesday its rules bar 'Passion' from consideration for the group's best drama category and 'Fahrenheit' from being eligible for any award, including best drama.
The group said 'Fahrenheit,' Michael Moore's searing denunciation of President Bush and the Iraq war, was ineligible because it is a documentary and the Foreign Press Association does not give awards to documentaries. "
By Arthur Spiegelman
More I'm Sorry Pixs

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Tuesday, November 09, 2004
Sorry Everybody - We don't say you should be sorry or you must be sorry. Our apologies are voluntary.
Sorry EverybodyMost people who think carefully understand that Americans are not really any more jingoistic or xenophobic than people in other countries, but it never hurts to reinforce, especially considering what happened on November 2nd, 2004. What must it have looked like to the world outside our borders? America proudly re-appointed her reckless, incompetent and corrupt government. How much of America? Fifty-two percent. The rest of us are aghast and dismayed.
Lots of fuss is made about the “global village.” The Internet was supposed to make communication between cultures, countries and peoples painless and easy. It was supposed to build bridges. But it doesn't do this automatically; somebody has to reach out. The Internet was supposed to lead to education and understanding. It doesn't. Rarely do people on the internet apologize. I thought it was high time. The world needs to understand that there are people in America who don't like what our government is doing. And from the mail we're receiving, there are people in the international community who appreciate this.
Also, come on, it's kind of amusing.

Click the title to see hundreds and hundreds of sorry pixs.
ANSWER Los Angeles. Emergency Demonstration this Tuesday Night
ANSWER Los Angeles. Act Now to Stop War and End Racism: "Emergency Demonstration this Tuesday Night
Stop The Fallujah Attack!
U.S. Out of Iraq! Protest Bush and the U.S. war drive!
Bring the Troops Home Now!
Top U.S. Marine in Iraq calls for massacre in Fallujah
The U.S. has surrounded the sealed off City of Fallujah and is preparing to launch the complete destruction of the city. They have told the people that any traffic on the street is now subject to attack and any males between the ages of 15 and 55 who go outside will automatically be killed by the U.S. soldiers. The U.S. is terrorizing and bombing the citizens of Fallujah every night, recently targeting and fully destroying its emergency hospital, collapsing homes around families, dismembering children. Many of the 300,000 population have fled for their lives, everything they have ever had left behind or destroyed."
Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee defends the sanctity of marriage against its gravest threat.
US prison population hits record 1.47 million!
In Wisconsin, people come together to explore whether the election was stolen. Were Tuesday's results worse than 2000?
New Mexico voters red with embarrassment over delayed count, as paper ballots hang in a legal tangle. Two hundred voter registration cards are turned over to state police.
Close to 12,000 votes feared lost in North Carolina. MORE HALLIBURTON SHENANIGANS
Laura Bush doesn't have the stomach for Lady Liberty.
Subordinating the nation's secular values to zealots' will.
Jesus and the FDA
Blue states buzz over secession.
IT unemployment now exceeds overall jobless rate.
Fallujah can only be won when the battle ends and people have water. Is America failing a test of history.

A boy recovers in a Fallujah hospital after a U.S. airstrike inFallujah, Iraq Saturday, Nov. 6, 2004, which killed his father,according to hospital officials.
Monday, November 08, 2004
Los Angeles Independent Media Center: PROTEST IN HOLLYWOOD
Los Angeles Independent Media Center: "LOS ANGELES - Saturday, November 7, 2004, About 1,500 people met at Hollywood and Highland and marched to the recruiting station at Sunset and LaBrea to protest the occupation of Iraq and the stolen election. About 500 people entered the parking lot of the Army recruiting center in a mini-mall at LaBrea and Sunset. Police seemed somewhat unprepared but recovered after about 15 minutes and inserted themselves between the protestors and the recruiting center. After reinforcements arrived, they then proceeded to sweep across the lot, driving everyone out the LaBrea exit and into the main mass of demonstrators. Reportedly four arrests were made by the LAPD. Reports. "

Video - QuickTime movie at 4.3 mebibytes
IMC Network: www.indymedia.org africa: ambazonia canarias estrecho / madiaq nigeria south africa canada: alberta hamilton maritimes montreal ontario ottawa quebec thunder bay vancouver victoria windsor winnipeg east asia: japan manila qc europe: andorra antwerpen athens austria barcelona belgium belgrade bristol bulgaria croatia cyprus estrecho / madiaq euskal herria galiza germany hungary imc sverige ireland istanbul italy la plana liege lille madrid marseille nantes netherlands nice norway oost-vlaanderen paris poland portugal romania russia scotland switzerland thessaloniki united kingdom west vlaanderen latin america: argentina bolivia brasil chiapas chile colombia ecuador mexico peru puerto rico qollasuyu rosario santiago sonora tijuana uruguay oceania: adelaide aotearoa brisbane darwin jakarta manila melbourne perth qc sydney south asia: india mumbai united states: arizona arkansas atlanta austin baltimore boston buffalo charlottesville chicago cleveland colorado danbury, ct dc hawaii houston hudson mohawk idaho ithaca kansas city la madison maine michigan milwaukee minneapolis/st. paul new hampshire new jersey new mexico new orleans north carolina north texas nyc oklahoma philadelphia pittsburgh portland richmond rochester rogue valley san diego san francisco san francisco bay area santa barbara imc santa cruz, ca seattle st louis tallahassee-red hills tennessee urbana-champaign utah vermont western mass worcester west asia: beirut israel palestine process: discussion fbi/legal updates indymedia faq mailing lists process & imc docs tech volunteer projects: oceania print radio satellite tv video topics: biotech
antiwar: I just wanted to share some pictures from saturday
antiwar: I just wanted to share some pictures fro: "I just wanted to share some pictures from over the weekend here in Southern CA.
About 1,500 people met at Hollywood and Highland and marched to the recruiting station at Sunset and LaBrea to protest the occupation of Iraq and the stolen election.
About 500 people entered the parking lot of the Army recruiting center in a mini-mall at LaBrea and Sunset. There, we chanted and denounced the feeding of the Iraq murder machine with the bodies of the U.S. poor. Police seemed somewhat unprepared but recovered after about 15 minutes and inserted themselves between the protestors and the recruiting center. After reinforcements arrived, they announced that we were engaged in an unlawful assembly and would be arrested if we did not clear the parking area. They then proceeded to sweep across the lot, driving everyone out the LaBrea exit and into the main mass of demonstrators.
So, Kerry is a coward after all, but we're still here, and we're still working to end this war. "

LA IndyMedia
Sunday, November 07, 2004
Video: jon stewart's appearance on crossfire
jon stewart's appearance on crossfire. Watch Videos
quicktime format (streamability)
jon stewart discusses his crossfire visit on the daily show (quicktime)

(click here for wash post article)
Seattle Post-Intelligencer: Hundreds march in anti-Bush and anti-war protest
Seattle Post-Intelligencer: Hundreds march in anti-Bush and anti-war protest: "SEATTLE -- About 500 protesters marched through downtown Seattle Saturday, venting their frustration over President Bush's re-election and calling for United States troops to be pulled out of Iraq.
Protesters, organized by the anti-war group Not in Our Name, said they felt compelled to air their beliefs about Iraq and the leadership of a president they feel does not represent their interests.
Some people watching from the sidelines told demonstrators they should quit complaining and accept the will of the voters."
The Daily Camera: Schools : Udall meets with protesters
The Daily Camera: Schools: "The inked peace signs on their cheeks and foreheads had faded to match the circles under their eyes by Friday morning. But the 16 Boulder High School students crammed into Principal Ron Cabrera's office had achieved more than they'd hoped with their all-night protest about the direction of the U.S. government.
U.S. Rep. Mark Udall, R-Eldorado, sat at the head of Cabrera's meeting table, with Boulder County Republican Party Vice-Chairman Bill Eckert standing near the doorway.
As the politicians fielded questions from the sleep-deprived youth around the table, three television cameras stared on - one from a tripod planted directly behind the desk, where on a different Friday morning Cabrera might have been finishing the coffee left cold in a Styrofoam cup.
Three days after a close election, Boulder High students' decision to air their concerns about the national debt, military recruitment in schools and disregard for the environment in their school library exploded into a national news story.
Boulder High Senior Stephen Lobanov-Rostovsky, 17, had been working on a half-hour's sleep when he went live on Air America Radio, he said. MSNBC and CNN were among the other national media that had taken interest in the all-night protest of about 85 students he and other students organized. "
By Todd Neff, Camera Staff Writer
November 6, 2004
MM: The Kids Are Alright (Excerpt)
If there was one group who really came through on Tuesday, it was the young people of America. Their turnout was historic and record-setting. And few in the media are willing to report this fact.
Unlike 2000 when Gore and Bush almost evenly split the youth vote (Gore: 48%, Bush: 46%), this year Kerry won the youth vote in a LANDSLIDE, getting a full ten points more than Bush (Kerry: 54%, Bush: 44%).
Young people were the ONLY age group that voted for Kerry. In every other age group (30-39, 40-49, 50-59, etc.), the majority voted for Bush.
In my state of Michigan, observers noted that it was the record youth vote that helped to put Kerry over the top in the state (AP: "Young Voters Played Big Role in Kerry's Michigan Victory")
Contrary to all predictions and to tradition, MORE young adults (18-29) voted in last week's election than in any other since 18-year-olds were given the right to vote in 1972.
It was the first time that a MAJORITY of all young adults came out to the polls: 51.6%.
In the day after the election, the pundits were spewing their hot air about how the youth vote didn't matter this year. I wonder, even though they have the same facts available to them as I do -- the ones I've cited above -- do they just chose to ignore them because it doesn't fit into their tired old routine they call "conventional wisdom." I guess it is easier to simply repeat the same broken down clichés than it is to find out what the truth really is.
And it's even more important to kill what smells like teen spirit to them. God forbid if young people ever realized their true power and used it. Maybe what young adults need to continue to do is keep creating their own new media and news sources on the Internet and through other new technologies. Just bypass the old farts on Fox and CNN and all the rest. One thing's for sure -- by never challenging this president on his lies that sent our young off to war, they have proven which side they are on and it isn't on the side of the young or the future.
Congratulations, 18 to 29-year-olds -- you rocked.
Michael Moore
(if full, try mike@michaelmoore.com)
New York Daily News - Home - Kills self at Ground Zero in protest
New York Daily News - Home - Kills self at Ground Zero in protest: "A Georgia man fatally shot himself at Ground Zero, and friends believe the tragic suicide was a political protest against President Bush's reelection and the war in Iraq.
The body of Andrew Veal, 25, a university research worker who was engaged to be married, was found on the hallowed ground of the World Trade Center site yesterday morning.
Veal didn't leave a note, but those who knew the sensitive young man said he sent a grim message by choosing to end his life where almost 3,000 people perished on Sept. 11, 2001.
'I'm absolutely sure it's a protest,' said Mary Anne Mauney, Veal's supervisor at the University of Georgia survey research lab. 'I don't know what made him commit suicide, but where he did it was symbolic.'
'I see it as a political statement,' agreed co-worker Stacey Sutherland. 'He was so opposed to the war.'"
Empire Rising: A Satirical History, Part V
Empire Rising: A Satirical History, Part V: "Sunday, November 7, 2004
Empire Rising: A Satirical History, Part V
Once again, Election Day was fast approaching in the Roman Republic. Who would the Senate choose as consul? Would they pick Senator Kerriolanus or would they re-elect Bushius the Younger (better known as Dubbia the Incoherent)?"
Audio: Arundhati Roy delivers the2004 Sydney Peace Prize Lecture and Interview
2004 The City of Sydney Peace Prize Lecture: Arundhati Roy Listen [ Transcript ] November 2004 Award-winning Indian writer and human rights advocate Arundhati Roy delivers the2004 Sydney Peace Prize Lecture titled Peace and The New Corporate Liberation Theology, recorded on Wednesday 3 November 2004 at The Seymour Centre, Sydney.
Arundhati Roy, perhaps best known as the author of the Booker Prize winning novel The God of Small Things was controversially awarded the Prize in May.[ more ]

Time was when weapons were manufactured in order to fight wars. Now wars are manufactured in order to sell weapons.
But remember that if the struggle were to resort to violence, it will lose vision, beauty and imagination. Most dangerous of all, it will marginalize and eventually victimize women. And a political struggle that does not have women at the heart of it, above it, below it and within it is no struggle at all.

david rovics - performer to leftist circles
david rovics new songs on the way, of course. bush and kerry are both scum. bush is worse. the voters are mostly ignorant and "informed" by the corporate media, so it's no wonder that bush won, with all his money and corporate backing. we need a mass movement. there is no hope in the democratic party. those are my thoughts in a nutshell.
take care,
David Rovics
i'm a human being with a life, and i spend most of my time traveling and performing in leftist circles around north america and europe.

Reichstag FireHi/Lo/MP3
The Dying FirefighterHi/Lo/MP3