Sunday, July 25, 2004 - Meet the Bloggers - Meet the Bloggers: "The Democratic Party is widening its media tent for the Boston convention. For the first time ever, Web loggers, or bloggers, are being accredited for a national political convention.
While scores of bloggers will be covering the convention, only about 35 have official accreditation, meaning they can access the main Fleet Center hall and use a dedicated workspace. (These bloggers will be dwarfed by an estimated 15,000 accredited journalists from traditional outlets.) But blogs' hallmarks � quick publishing, links, commentary, reader feedback and light or no outside editing -- mean bloggers could bring new approaches and a wide range of voices to covering an event steeped in tradition.
Convention organizers say they chose from among about 200 applications based on creativity, readership and professionalism. (Another 20 or so bloggers -- including several conservatives -- were invited, then disinvited, prompting accusations of bias; organizers say it was 'a pure logistical error' and most disinvited bloggers weren't conservative.) The Democratic National Convention Committee didn't release a list of accredited bloggers. But has been compiling a list of bloggers who say they have credentials.
The Wall Street Journal Online e-mailed questionnaires to about 30 bloggers who are accredited for the convention, asking about their political views, blogging style, approach to the convention and opinions on mainstream media coverage. Almost all replied. Click on the bloggers' names to see their responses to the questionnaire (edited for space and readability) and a link to their Web sites."

Natasha Celine, 29, Internet marketing consultant/student, Bellevue, Wash. Blog: Pacific Views.

Describe your blog.
Liberal political op-ed page, blog review, West Coast politics.

How do you plan to cover the convention? What kind of content can readers expect?
I have a lot of questions, and either a recorder or a notepad to take the answers down on.

Why should people read your coverage?
With luck I'll ask some questions they'd like to hear the answers to themselves.

What's the biggest gap in convention coverage by mainstream media in prior election years?
It seems to mostly cover the speeches. There are nearly 5,000 delegates, 15,000 guests and 15,000 members of the press coming. That's a lot of people with something to say.

Moment/speaker/event you're most looking forward to covering.
I'm mostly looking forward to interviewing delegates and elected officials. Whom did you support in the Democratic primary? I supported Howard Dean in the primary, but I've come to be satisfied with Sen. Kerry's judgment and I think he'll do a fair job for us."



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