Sunday, July 25, 2004

Shaking up America

ABS-CBNNEWS.COM: "I watched Michael Moore's Fahrenheit 9/11 at a friend's house last weekend. He downloaded the entire film from the Internet. I came away from the documentary upset, disturbed and angry. And I'm not even American.
I was weeping in parts, laughing in others, but cursing most of the time. There were also funny parts, but even the laughter was painful. There is simply too much at stake and not even Moore's playful use of clips and music from vintage movies and TV shows to illustrate his point could ease the overwhelming feeling of dread that the documentary evoked.

So, was Bush misled, or did he mislead? Moore makes the case for narrow vested interests powering US policies in the Bush administration. He argues his point compellingly, and it would do Americans well to listen, even for purely selfish reasons. Already over 900 young American lives have been lost and thousands more injured, a large number of them maimed and deformed. And those who have survived have been dehumanized by the violence.

All this grief, for what?

Although it may seem that the past four years were well documented by the U.S. media, Michael Moore’s well-researched and thought-provoking opus shows how little Americans really know about the recent events that have shaken their country and the rest of the world.

With Fahrenheit 9/11, Moore makes sure that ignorance can no longer be invoked as an excuse for supporting his country’s war in Iraq."



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