Sunday, July 25, 2004

MSNBC - Hardblogger

MSNBC -: "Which shoes to pack? (Andrea Mitchell)So it's Friday night, I've been consumed with reporting on the 9/11 report, and haven't started packing for Boston... which reminds me of my first convention summer... Miami, 1972. Richard Nixon was being renominated, and since I was the youngest reporter in the gang, they told me to pack clothes for covering riots. What does that mean, gas masks? Wish I had. First night out, got pepper gassed in Flamingo Park where the anti-war demonstrators were massed. I ended up running into an apartment building, knocking on a door, getting help from an elderly couple who washed my eyes out. Let's hope it's a lot simpler in Boston. The challenge this time is all logistics, just dealing with the security and stripping our gear down to the essentials. And wearing comfortable shoes. Talking about shoes reminds me of shoe addictions, which reminds me of the biggest 'get' of my last Democratic convention.

They tell me we'll be blogging... and broadcasting... and now a new game: doing updates to feed out on cellphones. Very cool."

Andrea Mitchell


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