Monday, July 26, 2004

The Gloucester Daily Times: DNC for dummies: What's going on at the convention?

The Gloucester Daily Times Online: "Can we expect celebrities?
Rockers and film stars seem to favor the Democrats, so yes. In addition to Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter, the Associated Press reports, we can expect appearances about town by U2's Bono, conductor John Williams, cellist Yo-Yo Ma, actor Tim Robbins and actresses Meg Ryan, Demi Moore and Susan Sarandon.
Filmmaker Michael Moore plans to crash the convention, speaking to members of a civil servants union and the Congressional Black Caucus.
But don't expect Kerry to go within a viewfinder's length of Moore. He's looking for swing votes from political moderates, and associations with lefty Hollywood types probably won't help, political analyst B.J. Rudell says.
The New York Daily News reported that racy comedian Margaret Cho has been banned from a gay-rights rally coinciding with the convention. The Kerry campaign also distanced itself from Whoopi Goldberg, who let out an off-color tirade against President Bush at a Democratic fund-raiser in New York this month."

By Thomas Lake
The Gloucester Daily Times


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