Monday, June 21, 2004


Press Release:


Fahrenheit 9/11 Set to Open in Over 750 Theaters on Friday, June 25

When Michael Moore’s new film Fahrenheit 9/11debuts in over 750 theaters across the country this Friday, MoveOn PAC will hold media events in several battleground states. Some of the group's members will be there in each place to comment on the film.

MoveOn PAC last week sent an alert to its 2.2 million members asking them to pledge to go see Michael Moore’s new film on its opening weekend and bring their friends, relatives and neighbors. The intent is to crush right-wing efforts to intimidate movie houses into not showing the film.

MoveOn PAC spokespeople will be available for comment before and/or after the film in the following cities: Cleveland and Columbus, OH; Philadelphia and Pittsburgh, PA; Tampa, Miami and Boca Raton, FL; St. Louis, MO; Des Moines, IA; Las Vegas, NV; and Portland, OR.

“It’s extremely important for every American to see this film and question why this Administration has made the choices that it has, and why American soldiers are dying in Iraq. These kinds of questions are the underpinnings of democracy and patriotism. We are pleased by the overwhelming reaction from our members, so far. It’s very exciting to see this level of interest,” said Eli Pariser, Executive Director of MoveOn PAC.

As MoveOn PAC continues to promote the film to its members, efforts to silence Michael Moore’s movie also continued. Move America Forward, run by Howard Kaloogian, a former California state legislator and right wing operative who takes credit for stopping CBS from airing “The Reagans,” has upped its effort to censor Fahrenheit 9/11 by encouraging citizens to intimidate theater owners into pulling the film from their screens.

“Even Fox News calls Moore’s film ‘a tribute to patriotism,’” stated Eli Pariser. “Organized Republican attempts to pressure theaters not to show the film are intimidation and censorship, pure and simple. We need more dialogue, not suppression…what are they afraid of?”


At 11:11 PM, Blogger JOlmsted said...

Email to MoveOn MembersSubject: Host a House Party with Michael Moore

Next Monday, we're organizing an evening of house parties, at which people will join a nation-wide virtual town meeting with Michael Moore, to discuss Fahrenheit 9/11 and organize to beat Bush.. Can you host? Sign up now.

Dear MoveOn member,

Over a million people -- including at least 106,000 pledged MoveOn members -- will likely see Fahrenheit 9/11 when it opens this weekend. The film will leave them shocked, moved, and furious at the Bush administration's duplicity. And we have an opportunity to turn that anger into action.

That's why next Monday, July 28th, we're organizing "Turn Up the Heat", an evening of nation-wide house parties that will culminate in a national online town meeting with Michael Moore. All weekend, MoveOn volunteers will be handing out leaflets to the people walking out after the movie, inviting them to join a house party near them. At the parties, we'll discuss Fahrenheit 9/11 with neighbors, hear Michael Moore and ask him questions about the film, and then plan local actions to win back the White House.

To make this a success, we need party hosts. On our website, you can sign up to host a public party - which other MoveOn members can find and join via our website - or a private party that just you and your friends attend. All you need to host is some space in which folks can convene, and (in order to participate in the virtual town meeting) high-speed internet access or a speakerphone.

Can you host a "Turn Up the Heat" house party? Sign up now at:

We'll provide you with a detailed guide to hosting a party and all of the tools you need to make your party a success. We'll even ask other MoveOn members to help you with snacks, drinks, and clean-up.

Hosting a MoveOn house party is fun, but you don't have to take our word for it. Here's some of the feedback we've received from past house party hosts:

It was particularly nice that most [attendees] described themselves as people who had not been politically active before. I hosted an open party and had some concern about inviting strangers to my home. But I'll definitely do it again. Everyone was wonderful."
-- Elinor, New York, NY

"Being in Texas, I feel very much like an alien because of my political views so it was invigorating to meet with people who are of the same mind-set. I now realize that I am not alone. We had some great discussions regarding MoveOn's goals, and how we can defeat Bush and the Republican Party in November and hereafter."
-- Billye, Carrollton, TX

"It is hard to say my favorite moment. Seeing all those wonderful strangers enter my home and then work so beautifully together for this common cause was absolutely thrilling for me. "
-- Joanie, New York, NY

So can you help?

This event is one of the greatest opportunities we'll have between now and November to get new folks involved. The powerful footage in Fahrenheit 9/11 is going to outrage literally millions of people. They'll be looking for ways to take action - and by bringing them together with their neighbors at local house parties, we can turn this anger into a wave of organizing powerful enough to sway the November election.

Hosting just takes a few hours of your time, but fun, important, and an experience you won't forget. Sign up now at:


--Eli Pariser
MoveOn PAC
Monday, June 21st, 2004

P.S. Even if Fahrenheit 9/11 isn't in your area yet, you can still hold a house party, invite your friends, and participate in the call.


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