Sunday, June 20, 2004

Anti-American Propaganda or Must-See Documentary?


Fahrenheit 911 - Review:

"Whenever I see attacks on the film or its director, I ask myself: is this convincing criticism of the film's facts and arguments, or attempts at censorship and character-assassination? Yes, it is true that Michael Moore is overweight and has an in-your-face style that many find problematic. But so far, none of the condemnation heaped on 'Fahrenheit 9/11' has given credible counter-arguments to Moore's overwhelming evidence that America is headed in the wrong direction. The kicking and screaming suggests a healthy measure of fear, which is as it should be: considered on the merit of its facts alone, 'Fahrenheit 9/11' is hard to dismiss."

By Jurgen Fauth

Article Excerpt


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