Monday, July 26, 2004 - Moore Urges Democrats To Have Backbone (Video) - Entertainment - Moore Urges Democrats To Have Backbone: "BOSTON -- Controversial filmmaker Michael Moore loves to talk politics, and what better place to do that than this week in Boston during the Democratic National Convention.

NewsCenter 5's Mary Saladna reported that Moore is not an official guest of the Democrats, but he's been invited to a number of events surrounding the convention. His film 'Fahrenheit 9-11,' critical of the Bush administration, is now the first documentary to take in a more than $100 million.

Moore said that he does not formally endorse political candidates -- including John Kerry, but he had no trouble finding friends in Boston -- including a man who lost his son in Iraq and a woman who hopes for her son's safe return.
'I encourage the Democrats to have a backbone. People should stand up for what they believe in. Don't be afraid. The other side is fearless,' Moore said.

The other side -- specifically President George W. Bush -- is the object of scathing criticism in his film."


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