Monday, July 26, 2004

Mathew Gross: Interviewing Journalists

Mathew Gross: Interviewing Journalists: "If you haven't been all that impressed with the blogging coverage of the convention thus far, it's because we can barely make it to our keyboards, what with all the journalists eager to get the 'blogger story' done and in the bag on the first day.

So what's it like here? We're up in the rafters, in a section known as 'Blogger's Blvd'-- a bit of a misnomer, since it's so high up (just inches from Thursday's balloons) that it's more like a crow's nest on an old clipper ship that any tertiary street. Nonetheless the view is great, even if the WiFi ain't, and now that Terry McCauliff has swung the gavel down, the floor below us has begun to fill up.

Convention Bloggers has some good links to coverage of this morning's Blogger's breakfast, featuring Barack Obama, Howard Dean, and others.
One of the best things about the experience so far is having so many bloggers just a few steps away. Jesse from Pandagon just leaned over to tell me that Ann Coulter and Michael Moore are both here covering the convention-- for USA Today.

It's a bizarre country, indeed."

Mathew Gross


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