Wednesday, July 07, 2004 News - Features - Review: Fahrenheit 9/11 News - Features - Review: Fahrenheit 9/11: "Even if you are familiar with the sorry tale and the sordid details then Moore's film is still very entertaining.

It's even powerful in parts, with the harrowing events of 11 September, 2001, portrayed not with the familiar images of jets crashing into buildings but by a blank screen that then reveals the faces of horrified onlookers.

Despite the sobriety of its subject matter, it still manages to be funny - usually whenever Dubya's on screen. Moore's researchers must have spent hours, days and weeks combing through every speech the president has made to find those moments that make him look particularly stupid. At least, I hope this is the case because if they came across the featured clips on a casual sweep of his output the man's IQ must be lower than that of the average begonia.

The film is let down by Moore's self-indulgence. He still feels the need to reprise the pranks that made him famous in his TV Nation days. Driving round Washington, DC, reading out the Patriot Act from an ice-cream van probably sounded like a funny idea in the planning stage but in reality is just gratuitous."

Stewart Kirkpatrick
Scotsman News


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