Thursday, July 08, 2004

I noticed the other day that Mr. Moore was soliciting reports from movie-goers about reactions

michaelmoore: [Error: Irreparable invalid markup ('<: "I admit that when we first settled in for the show, I thought that I would have to restrain myself from
laughing for fear of offending the older patrons in the crowd. I couldn't have been more wrong. It was a Saturday matinee, and the theater was packed. The
majority of people sitting around my friend and I (we are in our 20s) were eligible for membership in AARP.

The lady in front of me spent the first part of the movie tsk-ing and snorting at each negative portrayal of Bush. Mid-way through the movie, however, I
noticed she was wiping her eyes. And then she full out started crying. The longer the movie went on, the laughter became louder as more voices joined in, and
the heads started shaking all the way to the front row. When the end credits began, the theater around me erupted in fierce applause, including the older
lady who had been so angry at the beginning of the movie."



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