Thursday, July 08, 2004

How Michael Moore outsmarted Bush's hawks - Opinion -

How Michael Moore outsmarted Bush's hawks - Opinion - "Critics of Michael Moore need to make a stronger case for fighting the war on terror, writes Matthew D'Ancona.
When you bear in mind that Michael Moore's book Stupid White Men has already sold more than 3 million copies worldwide and that his film Fahrenheit 9/11 took $US24 million ($A33 million) at the US box office last weekend - the first documentary to top the American film charts in its opening days - it becomes difficult to dismiss the fat man in the baseball cap as a marginal figure.
Indeed, it looks to me as though Michael Moore is pretty much at the centre of things these days. The subculture has invaded the mainstream: it is an army of occupation.
As I watched Fahrenheit 9/11 - a ferocious attack on George Bush's record since September 11 and a clarion call for 'regime change' in Washington - it struck me that Moore's critics are missing the point by directing their wrath at the dodgy detail of his work"


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