Wednesday, July 28, 2004 - Moore to skip Crawford 'Fahrenheit 911' screening - Moore to skip Crawford 'Fahrenheit 911' screening: "CRAWFORD -- Liberal film maker Michael Moore early today cancelled an appearance near President Bush's ranch for a showing of his anti-Bush film Fahrenheit 911.
'We've heard he is not going to be here in Crawford, but we've heard no explanation,' said Skip Londos, a member of the local Peace House which had hoped the controversial film maker would help draw more people to the event.
There was no immediate explanation, but a Moore staff aide in New York said the film maker decided early today that his appearance might 'detract' from the Peace House fund-raiser.
The aide said Moore would remain in Boston, where he has been treated as a celebrity at the Democratic National Convention, and on Friday he would go to New York to appear on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno.

Overnight, 20 bags of composted cow manure were dumped near the spot where television crews do live broadcasts from Crawford, a few miles from Bush's Central Texas ranch.

The fertilizer, in 25-pound bags, included a sign addressed: "To Michael Moore. One piece of Bull**** deserves another.""

Houston Chronicle


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