Wednesday, July 28, 2004 - Transcripts: Larry King Live Interviews Michael Moore from the DNC - Transcripts: "KING: Why the -- you're going to show it in Crawford, Texas, right, the home of the Bush ranch.

MOORE: Yes, the Crawford premiere will be tomorrow night.

KING: Is there any kind of theater in Crawford?

MOORE: No, there's no theater there.

KING: Where are you showing it?

MOORE: On a big screen outdoors that the film society in Austin, they're driving down there and setting up a big...

KING: Going to put it up where, in a lot?

MOORE: The back of a barn or something.

KING: Have you invited the president?

MOORE: Yes, he's been invited.

KING: Has the White House requested to see this film?

MOORE: No. Their official response has been, We don't need to see something to know it's wrong, which I thought, actually, was very honest and consistent with their policy. They didn't need to see the weapons of mass destruction, and they led us into war as a result of that, so...

KING: Well, how do you think you're being treated over all this? I mean, the anger increased against you -- like, how are you treated here?

MOORE: Well, I'm treated very well here. People are very happy I made the film. And I've been treated well all across the country. Some of our best cities for this film have been near Army bases. Troops and their families are very happy that this film exists, that I've given voice to -- you've seen it -- the soldiers who speak to the camera from Iraq and tell how they feel about this war and how disillusioned they are and dissatisfied they are. And so the response (UNINTELLIGIBLE) Now, there are Republicans and people on the right who are very angry at me, and I understand that. I fully respect that. I'd be angry, too, if I were them. They've only got a few months left in power. And you know, they're kind of getting all their things together, and they got to order new (UNINTELLIGIBLE)"


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