Sunday, July 04, 2004

Connect the dots when you watch 'Fahrenheit'

Connect the dots when you watch 'Fahrenheit': "Excited about 'Fahrenheit 9/11?' It's the Palme d'Or-winning and doubtless soon to be Oscar-winning 'documentary' from average blue-collar multimillionaire Michael Moore. I saw it last weekend with an audience composed wholly of informed, intelligent sophisticates.
I knew they were informed, intelligent sophisticates because they howled with laughter at every joke about what a bozo Bush is. They split their sides during the patriotic ballad -- eagles soaring, etc. -- composed and sung by John Ashcroft, the famously sinister attorney general. Moore reveals -- and if you feel that knowing the plot would spoil the movie, please skip to the next paragraph -- that Bush is a privileged simpleton under the control of war-crazed Big Oil interests who arranged to have the 2000 election stolen for him. I hadn't heard that before, had you?"



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