Wednesday, June 23, 2004 - Put politics aside: 'Fahrenheit 9/11' will entertain - Put politics aside: 'Fahrenheit 9/11' will entertain: "Fahrenheit 9/11 (* * * 1/2 out of four) is everything you've heard. It also is some things you haven't heard, which is what makes it worth watching.

Of course, its strong point of view in an increasingly polarized nation will draw both ardent support and virulent opposition. But no moviegoer will be bored. The documentary's scathing attack on the war in Iraq and George W. Bush's presidency is informative, provocative, frightening, compelling, funny, manipulative and, most of all, entertaining.

Much of what filmmaker Michael Moore focuses on has been covered in news reports, magazine articles and books. But because he still manages to present new data and little-seen footage, connecting the dots in a cogent and persuasive way, Fahrenheit 9/11 is the year's must-see film.

Fahrenheit's graphic war footage may work more on our emotions than our intellect, but that doesn't make the film propaganda."

By Claudia Puig

Page Resources
Videos - Moore's Fahrenheit 9/11 takes top prize at Cannes
Film Clips - Vacationing with George W. Bush


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