Wednesday, June 23, 2004 : Democrats Screen 'Fahrenheit 9/11' in D.C. : Democrats Screen 'Fahrenheit 9/11' in D.C.: "WASHINGTON June 23, 2004 - Cheered by supporters, Michael Moore previewed his Bush-bashing documentary, 'Fahrenheit 9/11,' before a mostly Democratic audience in the nation's capital Wednesday night.
Democratic National Committee chairman Terry McAuliffe said he thought the film would play an important role in this election year.

'This movie raises a lot of the issues that Americans are talking about, that George Bush has been asleep at the switch since he's been president,' McAuliffe said as he walked the red carpet into the premiere.

Sen. Tom Harkin of Iowa implored all Americans to see the film: 'It's important for the American people to understand what has gone on before, what led us to this point, and to see it sort of in this unvarnished presentation by Michael Moore.'"

Associated Press


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