Fahrenheit 911 (and a half)
The Fahrenheit 9/11 Film Blog is a syndicated (RSS/XML/LiveJournal/MyYahoo) online news and informational resource community.
"Everybody in this country should see this film
... a powerful piece of filmmaking by Michael Moore."
-- Richard Roeper, EBERT & ROEPER
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Background Song: Falluja (©David Rovics 2004 All Rights Reserved)
Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Music By David Rovics
( lo-fi || hi-fi || Download MP3 )

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We're ashamed the president of the United States is from Texas. - Natalie Maines, London 2003
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Celebrity Comments

I think this is one of the most important films ever
made. It has the potential of actually affecting the
election, and if it does, it will change the world.
There are very few films or works of art that have
a profound effect on world affairs, but this actually
has the chance to change the world.
- Rob Reiner Director/Actor (FilmStew, June 10, 2004)

Not only is it inspiring and educating, but it's proof that people can make a difference, that we can make a difference, - Madonna (MTV, June 17, 2004)

I think a lot more people who are on the fence about who to vote for will get galvanized after watching the film. Young people didn't vote in the last election, which was the main problem. If you're a young person you've got to get as many people registered to vote, and then get them to vote for their candidate. - Leonardo DiCaprio (The New York Daily News)

Celebrities Are Talking Up Fahrenheit 911
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Fan Reviews/Comments
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July Interview

Featured Singer/Songwriter

David Rovics
Reichstag Fire
The Dying Firefighter

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The Wisdom Creations Band
Balance: anti-Bush song

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Green Day - American Idiot

KOCH Entertainment
#1 Independent Label

Joan Baez
"the matriarch of modern folk music"

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Press Clips
...the most anticipated movie opening of the summer arguably isn't Spiderman II or Harry Potter, but Michael Moore's "Fahrenheit 911," a documentary carefully calculated to have as much anti-Bush impact as its filmmaker can manage. - Geov Parrish, WorkingForChange.com (06.11.04)
Bush, thanks to Fahrenheit 9/11, will be recalled as the guy who blinked, hesitated ...and lost the war he started - Antonia Zerbisias, Toronto Star (06.13.04)
If you want to be part of the national debate, Fahrenheit 9/11 is must-see cinema.
- James Verniere, Boston Herald (06.22.04)
...even for the material thatâs been explored in other books and films, Fahrenheit 9/11 just begs to be seen. Itâs too hilarious, too chilling, too clever, and too terrifying in its own right to be dismissed as a purely partisan, purely personal attack on the president and his policies.
- Dilshad D. Ali, Islam-Online (07.05.04)
...it vents an anger about this presidency that, as the film's ardent reception shows, seethes in very many of us. - Stanlet Kauffmann, New Republic (07.09.04)
It could well be the first film to turn a vote. It uses the medium of fiction, the big screen, as a medium of fact, and it's overwhelming.
- Alex James, The Observer (07.11.04)
Today it is rare for an artist to succeed in making such an intervention, and in interrupting the prepared, prevaricating statements of politicians.
- John Berger, The Guardian (08.24.04)

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Rotten Tomatoes: Critic Reviews
IMDb External Reviews
Multimedia Access

July 1, 2004 - Audio Interview

Dislike Mike - Video
Michael Moore Interview - Video
Censorship is all the rage! - Video

Radio Show 6/30/04 Hosted by: Dick Gordon

Press: Fictitious Facts
Reuters: 'Fahrenheit 9/11' Director Has Blair in Sights (06/11/04)
Zap2it: '9/11' Shows Iraqi Prisoner Abuse, Gets R Rating (06/14/04)

Michael Moore Cartoons
F911 Fan Fashion
- click photo for story -

Revolutionary Products

Entire Film Fits in Palm of Hand
Model: Michelle Lambert
San Francisco Singer/Songwriter
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- GI Janes in saucy Iraq mud-fest- The Times of India

Control Room Director Jehane Noujaim

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