Tuesday, January 25, 2005

BBC NEWS | Entertainment | George Bush is up for worst actor

BBC NEWS | Entertainment | Alexander on movie stinkers list: "Oliver Stone's Alexander and Catwoman, starring Halle Berry, have been handed the leading places in the annual US awards for worst movies of the year.
Catwoman has seven nominations for the Golden Raspberries, or Razzies, while the much-maligned Alexander has six.

Organiser John Wilson said: 'Catwoman is the cinematic equivalent of a clump in the cat-litter box - a sad little thing lying there stinking.'
The New York Post called Alexander, starring Colin Farrell, a 'travesty'.

US President George Bush's Fahrenheit 9/11 appearance is up for worst actor.

Halle Berry is nominated for worst actress for her role in Catwoman.

The president was the subject of Michael Moore's controversial documentary, while Condoleezza Rice and Britney Spears are both in the worst supporting actress category for cameo appearances in the film. "


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