Wednesday, September 15, 2004

IranMania News: 'Fahrenheit 9/11' gets 'axis of evil' premiere

IranMania News: "LONDON, Sept 15 (IranMania) - Cinemagoers in the Iranian capital were given their first glimpse of 'Fahrenheit 9/11' this week, but appeared to enjoy more the rare chance to watch an American movie than its assault on their regime's arch foe George W. Bush.
Michael Moore's Bush-bashing polemic may have cruised through Iran's unforgiving censors thanks to its indictment of US policy, but the premiere of the film also had the side effect of making some viewers relate the same questioning to their own state of affairs.
'The authorities obviously gave the film the green light for political reasons, in that anything against the United States must be good,' quipped one of the hundreds of mainly young people who flocked to Tuesday night's opening screening.

The prize-winning documentary has been allowed out on release here to coincide with the third anniversary of the September 11, 2001 attacks in the United States -- which kicked off a chain of events that has seen Iran surrounded by US troops and lumped into an 'axis of evil'.
'They are showing this film to erase from our minds the idea that America is the great saviour,' said Hirad Harandian, another cinemagoer at the uptown Farhang cinema."


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