Thursday, July 15, 2004 | Opinion : Just another way to keep this pot on boil "Just another way to keep this pot on boil. Now I can tell you how good Fahrenheit 9/11 is. Having seen it and such.
Longtime readers will remember two weeks ago (which is a long time if your back hurts, right?), I recommended everyone in the world go see that flick, and that they find a way to get everyone else to go see it, too. I suggested that those who already know what a stunted weed George Bush is should coax others to see Michael Moore's movie so that they, too, will finally realize that Bush, if not one of the biggest criminals on Earth, is certainly one of the stupidest.

What I didn't say was that it was a good movie. Couldn't! Not having seen it and such.

But I have and it is. Goo-ud! No Citizen Kane, mind you, but what it lacks in innovative cinematography, nuanced characters and scintillating dialogue, it makes up for in the raw power to enrage. Tongue-biting, vein-popping, sphincter-clenching mad. Trust me, by the time those final credits roll, you will be pissed. It even offers you a choice of who to be pissed at: George Bush or Michael Moore - take your pick. But! If it's Moore you leave the theater wanting to lynch, keep in mind there is very little in Fahrenheit 9/11 you couldn't have known about long before opening night - had you been interested in knowing it. (And more to the point, had the mainstream media been interested in reporting it.) The Bush family's deep business ties with the bin Laden clan, the devil's deal with the Taliban to build a gas pipeline through Afghanistan, the abuse of prisoners, the gruesome deaths of thousands of Iraqi civilians, the winner-takes-all corruption of Dick Cheney's Halliburton, the recruitment of poor folks to fight and die for rich folks’ benefit, the resurrection of Jim Crow in Florida by GOP election thieves, Bush’s astounding vacuity, the pain and desperation a mother feels when her child is lost for false reasons … (it’s truly remarkable how much of the Bush administration’s treachery Moore was able to cram into a two-hour flick) … but, yes, it was all available pre-F 9/11 for those diligent enough to look for it."


Reader Comment:

Mr. Cope,
Your comments concerning the President of the United States of America, George W. Bush, are reckless and libelous--and so are your’s. Michael Moore’s film, Fahrenheit 9/11, is riddled with unsupportable suppositions, many of which were dealt with and discredited by the contentious 9-11 Commission. Michael Moore detests capitalism and most things about our system of government. He would readily support income redistribution and a foreign policy that would capitulate to terrorists. Do you believe the same Mr. Cope? May God help us. Michael Moore is a big, fat, stupid white man.
C. Bosch


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