Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Amazon.com: Quotes & Trivia: Fahrenheit 9/11 (2004)

Amazon.com: Quotes & Trivia: Fahrenheit 9/11 (2004)George W. Bush: I call upon all nations to do everything they can to stop these terrorist killers. Thank you.
George W. Bush brandishes a golf club
George W. Bush: Now, watch this drive.

Narrator: The first time I met him, he had some good advice for me.
Calling out
George W. Bush: Behave yourself, will ya? Go find real work.

last lines
George W. Bush: There's an old saying in Tennessee... well, it's an old saying in Texas, I believe also in Tennessee. "Fool me once..."
George W. Bush: "... shame on you".
George W. Bush: insert right text here
pauses once again
Narrator: For once. We agree.

Quoting George Orwell

Narrator: Who's your daddy?

Narrator: He couldn't get his judges appointed. He had trouble getting his legislation passed, and he lost Republican control of the Senate. His approval ratings in the polls began to sink. He was already beginning to look like a lame duck president. With everything going wrong, he did what any of us would do. He went... on vacation.

two mature women are discussing Bush and the War, one says to the other
Mature woman: We've been duped.

Britney Spears: I think we should just trust our president in every decision that he makes and we should just support that.


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