Sunday, August 22, 2004

Michael How a Movie Can Move the Voting Public (Part 3)

Michael“My name is Stephanie, I am 18 years old, and I live in the southern part of Mississippi. I just recently [saw] your film, ‘Fahrenheit 9/11’ about a day ago. I'd have to tell you honestly, I was a fan of our president.

I was for the war in Iraq and I was very unaware of the deceitfulness of our president.

See, what got me the most, is I believed in the fact that our troops were there to protect us. That we were under a threat of Missiles and things.

I remember even when I was in school, writing a speech about the war and my reasons for why I am for the war.

To me, they were right and I was proud of it.

And I look now and I don’t even know why I believed these things.

For two years, I used to live over seas and on the base. I came to know many soldiers that came and went from time to time. My friends that I had then, as well, have all joined the military and gone to Iraq. They were most like family to me. And yet they are over there dying.

For the first few months, I read in the newspapers, or saw on TV many of the soldiers I knew, dead. And it really just hurts me so bad that they just were there for nothing, were killed for no reason.

Your film made me realize the truth about President Bush and all the things he has ‘done’ for our country in the last 4 years.

And it makes me angry to know that I was deceived.
And I just can’t believe it.
I was baffled and speechless as I sat in the theater and had this reality check to realize that everything I believed in was a lie.

Why the hell didn’t we all realize this to begin with?

I also, as a matter of fact, work in the theater here in my part of Mississippi. And I speak with a lot of the men and women as they pass by to see the film. You have given a very big contribution to the American people to make them see the truth.

More and more people realize this as they watch your film.

And I thank you very much for this.

I can’t tell you how much it means to me to see the truth behind the lies. So again, thank you.”

–S.C., Mississippi


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