Wednesday, July 14, 2004

WorkingForChange-Fahrenheit 9/11 revisited

WorkingForChange-Fahrenheit 9/11 revisited: "It's Bush-hating slime; it's 'just the facts.' It's supercilious, derisive and contemptuous; it's entertaining, dark comedy and dead-on. Folks have seen it once, twice, many times; many refuse to see it at all. The audience is made up of the usual subjects; it's doing well in the 'Red States.' Three weeks in and they're loving, or loving to hate, Michael Moore's 'Fahrenheit 9/11.'
Having failed to get theater owners to ban the film outright, right-wing Moore-bashers, Bush supporters, and surrogates are liberally smacking both Moore and his film:

"Michael Moore is a Big Fat Stupid White Man" is the title of the recently published anti-Moore book that came out of the box strong. Here's a tiny sample of the thinking of book's authors, David T. Hardy and Jason Clarke, in an interview conducted by David Horowitz's

FrontPage: When you listen to Moore's language, it is hard to decipher the difference between his ideology and that of Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot and Castro. What would you say motivates Moore? What is the impulse that lingers behind his vision?

While F9/11 has been an huge success and has attracted enormous media attention, there are a number of other current documentary that are not getting the exposure they deserve: "Control Room" -- al Jazeera covers the Iraq war; "The Corporation" -- a seething indictment of America's corporate culture; Robert Kane Pappas' "Orwell Rolls in his Grave" -- which examines the business, politics and ideology behind the modern mainstream media, are all films that should be seen and supported; and Robert Greenwald's new film, Outfoxed: Rupert Murdoch's War on Journalism which can be purchased at "

Bill Berkowitz


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