Monday, July 12, 2004

Elites News - Fight Fire with Fire: Michael Moore Wins With 'Farenheit 9/11'

Elites News: "For a country which triumphs itself on freedom of speech, America has produced an outrageously selective media machine, one which functions through carefully censored political information and big-money pressure to agree with the government. This media presents meticulously selected footage which supports and reinforces governmental policies. Every day, millions of Americans sit on their couches and accept the 'news' they are given.

So - if someone were to want to expose the other side of the story - what should they do? Should they create their own leaflets, organize protests and present educated, informed position papers and then make these things available to the public? Well - the liberal anti-Bush camp has done this, and America chose to watch FoxNews instead. So why not fight fire with fire? That's what Michael Moore did, and any accusations of
'biased" reporting is completely unfair.

If anyone remembers what we were talking about before 9-11; let me remind you—at my school, the University of Michigan, Bush was doing his damndest to eliminate one of the few advantages we give to those who were not born with silver spoons—affirmative action.

Do I agree with Moore’s politics? Not all the time. There were small sections of “Stupid White Men” that offended me, parts which I felt were glossed over and insulting. But, I still admire Michael Moore for what he does, what he is doing, and what he will always do. He is a frumpy guy with a permanent scowl. He doesn’t have a personal hairstylist or a private jet. He doesn’t even seem to own any nice clothing. But he is the best thing we’ve got going for us right now—with “Bowling for Columbine” and “Fahrenheit 911,” he is reminding Americans that we aren’t getting the whole story."

Marie Bernard


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