Wednesday, July 21, 2004

Arizona Daily Sun: Who's afraid of Michael Moore? GOP should be

Arizona Daily Sun: "PHOENIX -- If Republicans think Michael Moore's new movie is pure Democratic propaganda, they might have some reason to worry, according to a pollster.
A new statewide survey shows that one out of every seven people questioned said they had not yet made up their minds about who to support. And two thirds of those people said they intend to see 'Fahrenheit 9/11,' Moore's film that is highly critical of the president's handling of the war on terror.
'The fact that they're undecided means they're still looking for information,' said pollster Earl de Berge of the Behavior Research Center of the race between George W. Bush and John Kerry. 'If you're looking at an election where you may be talking about 1 or 2 percent difference between the winning and losing candidate, all of a sudden a small shift may actually be fairly relevant.' "

Capitol Media Services


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