Sunday, June 13, 2004 - Fahrenheit 9/11 turns up the heat - Fahrenheit 9/11 turns up the heat:

"Now that George W. Bush is disappointed to learn that the rah-rah Ronald Reagan funeral coverage won't be extended until the November election - or the capture of Osama bin Laden, whichever comes first - it is time to look back at his least Reaganesque moment.

It happened at 9:05 a.m. on Sept. 11, 2001, when White House Chief of Staff Andrew Card, the man who would, a year later, talk of 'marketing'' the Iraq war, informed Bush that 'a second plane has hit the World Trade Center.'

Bush just sat there, blinking, listening to second graders stumble through a story about pet goats. As he would later tell London's Daily Telegraph: 'I'm trying to absorb that knowledge ... I'm sitting in the midst of a classroom with little kids, listening to a children's story and I realize I'm the Commander in Chief and the country has just come under attack.'

Bush, who had never got the memo (so to speak) titled 'Bin Laden Determined To Attack Inside The U.S.,' just! sat! there! realizing that he's the man.

Fahrenheit 9/11, Moore tells Playboy in a lengthy interview this month, is "the temperature of hysteria that has allowed the Bush administration to get away with a series of unconscionable acts since 9/11."

The truth is, 50 years from now, when Reagan's many failings will have faded from memory, he will be remembered in the history books for the part he played in ending the Cold War.

Bush, thanks to Fahrenheit 9/11, will be recalled as the guy who blinked, hesitated ... and lost the war he started."


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