Saturday, June 19, 2004

Moore turns up heat on Tories and Grits

The Globe and Mail: "Michael Moore said he just had to visit Canada for a day -- and he put in his two cents about the federal election campaign.
In response to questions after an advance screening of his new film, Fahrenheit 9/11, he said that he arranged the June 25 Canadian opening to fall just before election day, to give voters a good look at the U.S. system before casting their ballots.
'So that four days later, they would think very seriously about whether or not they should join the coalition of the willing,' he said.
He said he has spent a lot time trying to persuade Americans that Canadians are smart and his country should be more Canada-like. Electing Conservatives -- whose leader, Stephen Harper, once advocated joining U.S. President George W. Bush's war in Iraq -- would spoil his argument, Mr. Moore said."


Article Excerpt.


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